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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Laughing at me why precisely? What amuses you? What’s sadder, me spending sometime engaging in discussions or you just pushing out memes that were fed to you by your handlers ?
  2. Not a fan of business insider. I’ve seen stats from reputable sources showing 70 year olds and up being a little higher but not even close to 10%, even taking into account the extra weight. If trump was a smoker or had diabetes, that number would make sense.
  3. It’s interesting that billstime likes the posts where I treat her/him/they/it as a troll. It’s almost like it relishes in being a clown. Some people should find a hobby.
  4. 10% chance of dying? Based on what metric? Unless Trump is over 80 and in an old folks home, his chance of dying would have been about 1% had he not had access to state of the art medicine.
  5. Did you just assume her gender ?
  6. So an anonymous White House aide contradicted the White House doctor and everyone is upset ? Can these idiots stop listening to anonymous sources?
  7. Some of us use this site at work. Can you please not ***** post nazi symbols for ***** sake ?
  8. Studying history makes you a white supremacist.
  9. Except when it's donald trumps government, then it must be stopped at all costs.
  10. I did. Post it in the other thread.
  11. Why start a new thread?
  12. Except me. I’m apparently Sean hannity from Quebec
  13. You don't even know what a classic conservative is. In reality, you don't even know what a classical liberal is and you probably also classify them as right wing. That's the problem with meatheads like you, you've made it impossible to even have a reasoned discussion. Exactly. Bill Maher would be a right winger to this meathead.
  14. No you don't based on your posting history.
  15. The problem is these meatheads classify everyone as alt-right.
  16. Some are too far gone. Those two are prime examples.
  17. Can all the people who lost loves ones to the Spanish Flu declare war on America?
  18. Her twitter is nuts. I wouldn't be surprised if she's BillsTime.
  19. The White House has been overtaken by politically correct lizards.
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