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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Listening to a podcast. There are 1000 combat soldiers in Gaza. Bibi has no strategy.
  2. I have never seen a woman in Gaza in videos who wasn’t wearing a burka while I have seen plenty in the West Bank so it’s either mandatory or it’s strongly recommended.
  3. Before that it was Russians.
  4. Before 9/11 most people in the west didn’t know the slightest thing about Islam.
  5. Yes. Wearing a hijab or even the burka is not mandatory in the West Bank for example. Gaza on the other hand.
  6. It’s no wonder there aren’t boatloads of woman taking flights to Saudi Arabia to get out of this hell hole.
  7. I see nothing has changed with respect to how ***** dumb you are.
  8. This is as terrible of a take as the « from the river to the sea ».
  9. You mean Muslims weren’t responsible for the progroms in Algeria, Iraq, Yemen, etc? Ever hear of the farhud?
  10. When this Super Bowl is completed, we’ll have seen the bills being the biggest challenge to the chiefs.
  11. I think you skipped one part. I haven't posted much here in years so just so you know, I'm all for supporting Ukraine. That being said, there is very little discussion on Twitter. Garry Kasparov would be ratio'd in about 5 minutes if he'd ever make a statement like "Maybe it's time to negotiate" ( Not that he'd ever do that because he wants Putin gone). So yes, you're right about the alt right and far left but you're missing the were supposed to be middle ground but now seem to be uncompromising to even discuss anything but absolute surrender by Russia.
  12. Ukraine has become the political litmus test for the right and left.
  13. Definitely. She will be volunteering and doing what personally satisfied her.
  14. Great. I thought of godfather 2 when Saul walked into that courtroom and saw Kim.
  15. Whatever. Quite the response 😂😂😂 All this time and he’s never changed.
  16. You really are fighting the good fight there Travis 😂😂😂
  17. Ok kris. You keep lurking the so called safe space your so called enemies are at.
  18. I'm not sure if this is you thinking you're "winning" whatever discussion we're having. Good luck stalking the other forum you were banned from to see what your so called enemies are discussing. I'm sure it's great on your mental health Kris.
  19. Pretty sure the subhuman troll needs more help than me.
  20. Pathetic ? 😂😂😂 You’re a subhuman troll.
  21. You mean because you've been wasting time replying to my posts instead of polluting this sub-forum?
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