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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. Beane gets criticized for overpaying for Diggs to be WR1, instead of trying to get WR1 in this draft. What would the criticism be if he had just drafted Epenesa at 22, and used 54 to acquire Diggs? Same result, different roads.
  2. It's not gonna happen. Schobel had the speed move which was effective when he could get by clean, but the tackle gets a hand on him going wide, he was out of the play. The classic Schobel highlight was of him re-entering the TV screen running back toward the pocket from behind as the ball is being thrown. Epenesa has an initial punch harder than Schobel with a horseshoe taped to his hand. They're not at all similar. Epenesa is a big end with length, power and a relentness motor which is more of a throwback to a classic 3-4 strong-side end. The past Bill who's the closest comp to that description is IMO Ben Williams with his (relative for his time) length and power, flanking Smerlas in the 70s/80s. If he busts you can say Ryan Denney instead.
  3. For cryin' out loud with this Schobel stuff. The next time Epenesa tries a speed rush and gets routed wide by the tackle across Abbott Rd and through Lot 4 like Schobel always did, then we can start with the Schobel comparisons.
  4. You get a Special Award for this idea.
  5. To be fair, I had just spent two hours with friends watching the draft and running down Fromm as a QB that would never make it, and boy I'm gonna laugh when some sucker team wastes a pick on a guy with no arm and no accuracy. My bitterness comes from the amount of **** I've been taking from said friends since the Bills were the ones who selected him, not because I'm rooting against a Buffalo Bills player.
  6. He can punt and he can kick, sure. But how well? As a kicker has shown to be anti-clutch in his NFL opportunity - the 2019 season opener vs the Bills. Misses a FG, misses an extra point, 0.0%, Jets lose by 1. And then there was the 2018 off-field injury where nobody really knows what happened (basically got his ass kicked and got rolled). Versatility for versatility sake doesn't impress me, and unreliability is not a resume enhancer.
  7. His tackling on those tapes looks old school, like Ted Hendricks or Ben Davidson, minus the part about using the ball carrier's hat like a twist-off cap.
  8. We've also seen great college kickers get to the pros and decide they don't want to be in Buffalo and completely tank and get cut and have an All-Pro career. Lookin' at you Gary Anderson you goldbricker.
  9. Epenesa is completely the opposite of Schobel except for motor. Scholbel was quick and light in the ass. Epenesa is big, thick and stronk like bull. Reminds me personally more of Ben Williams who did have a 10 sack campaign just after the league started counting such things.
  10. My own speculation at the time was they project Hodgins ceiling as WR1. He needs weight room time and coaching, but those are things that he can develop. Already a WR1 for hands and disturbingly quick for a big guy - those are traits of the elite receivers that you can't teach.
  11. Best part about that is you can almost see #11 planning his Touchdown dance and then an orange glove flashes in front of him. There's short striders (Hogkins) and long striders (Foster) and guys who look they're running in mud. Nelson reminded me of the latter. Among the top-3 complaints last year was receivers who drops passes. Beane goes and gets Diggs, Davis, Hogkins. Foster seems redundant to a roster with Diggs and Brown since Foster really only runs one route well and that's ol' #9, and those other guys can do it as well or better and do other stuff that a WR should be doing in this league. In two years Foster hasn't shown much growth at all as a route runner. He's a fast dude for gadgets but so's McKenzie and McKenzie can actually run routes.
  12. This is the part that I can’t square. How can someone with such freaky quickness measurable not be able to get separation? His physical limitation is strength and his tape doesnt show near the technical chops of Davis, but get this guy some training and pointers from Diggs on how to use quickness to set up corners and you might have something special. Boom/bust in 6th is fine.
  13. Feels like Davis’ upside is WR2, productive guy but not The Guy. Hodgins has the higher ceiling but a longer way to go to get there.
  14. Not to get too far afield but thinking less about the coverage than going as far out of his way to avoid contact as Moss does to initiate. Both Epenesa and Moss are representative of the part of the process that Lee Smith talks about in such terms as... dominate your assignment, impose your will, demoralize them, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the women. This is the identity the Bills are trying to establish and I'm for it. Edit: I'm talking about Gilmore's last season as a Bill. It was a shameful display at times. Beane/McDermott ain't gonna keep the me-guys around.
  15. Including the last seaon when he was professional matador?
  16. And let's play out the draft with a Lionel Ritchie impersonator in one of Bill Cosby's sweaters. Yay quarantine!
  17. Yes Vedvik can do both. Technically. I don't think he's a better punter than Borky and missed everything that mattered when he had a chance with the Vikings.
  18. Dane Jackson, CB from Pitt and longtime Rochester Americans legend.
  19. More peppers, more onions... more garlic!
  20. Holding a bat doesn't make you Reggie Jackson
  21. Agree with you on Fromm. Never liked him, just don't think anything he does translates at the next level. McDonald seemed like a kid with the same tools as Allen so you can coach him up the same way, if a project is what you want. If the next Todd Collins clipboard jockey half-a-coach is actually a roster spot now, then - and only then - can I understand Fromm.
  22. If you're punting because you don't trust a 48-yard FG attempt, that usually indicates something that needs fixing. The punt going into the end zone for an 11 yard net is a different problem.
  23. Carolina Panthers complete the first NFL draft in the Common Era with only Defensive players
  24. I think his grandma was behind the wheel when it happened. On her way to chemo after breaking her hip.
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