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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. If you try to get a first down on every down, you only have to succeed 1/3 of the time!
  2. Hell with RSV shot, give me SRV shot
  3. Whoever thought a preseason game between two teams playing home games in the same stadium was a good idea… thanks!
  4. Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science? Thank God for the jab being the cause of a virus attenuating toward becoming more infectious yet less lethal, which has never happened before the advent of this miracle of sciency scientific science.
  5. You can be mRNA or a vaccine. Pick one. I'd probably get permabanned for asking a question about the Dion Dawkins presser, so I want to see if I can get some help here where - in theory - you're still able to ask pertinent fact-based questions: a) Dion took the shots b) Dion got hospitalized for 4 days for the thing the shots were supposed to prevent (purposely skipping this new "2 more weeks" thing - being a couple days short of that arbitrary milestone being the indicator for no efficacy is a different but equally laughable matter) In what logical sequence is the takeaway that THIS is what convinced his family to take the shots? (or the TSW corollary: that you're worse than an axe-murdering child molester if you don't take the shots. And *^%& Cole Beasley) [take shots] + [almost die] = [give me those shots!!!] is probably not where I'd automatically go as a conclusion. it does gibe with some local anecdotal history of flu shots however.
  6. It's live today, it might stay live till next Monday? If you have Sprint or T-Mobile (and hackers haven't cloned your phone yet) then: 1) Install/open the T-Mobile Tuesdays App on your phone 2) Click on the 6-month Athletic free trial to load offer to your T-Mobile Tuesdays App, don't click Redeem yet... 3) Install/open The Athletic App on your phone 4) From T-Mobile Tuesdays app, now click Redeem 5) The Athletic App should pop up, and take you through the process of setting up your account and preferences, the usual stuff 6) When checking out from The Athletic app the 6-month promo should show, and state that it will auto-bill $71.99 in 6 months (2/17/22). * Nothing is billed now, you can cancel up to 24-hours before the free 6-months ends to prevent billing. * You'll still need enough bucks in your iTunes or Apple acct or a Credit Card on it. * Or add a CC on your Apple account with an expiry before 2/22, it'll still work * Or add a prepaid CC on your Apple account, it'll still work, make sure you use it up before 2/17/22 * Or make sure you cancel before they try to bill it 7) Voila
  7. Never got to see her full talents, RIP
  8. Nation building and Stevie Nicks
  9. Umm. Rubber Soul? Revolver? Ffs A Hard Days Night… it was the harmonies of the pre SPLHCB era that set them apart. And the songwriting. And the innovation.
  10. doesn’t apply so much to that track but I recall blacmore saying Graham Bonnet was the best singer he’d ever had… except for the image
  11. Hey, they’re talking about Josh Allen! oh… right
  12. Give the Peoples what he Jones for
  13. But that next one he short hopped backpedaling like a politician. nfl has big guys with bad attitudes in the other jerseys
  14. 1st play, holds the ball forever, sacked
  15. That's the point I'm trying to make. There's a specific timing that everyone on the line needs to abide to allow the punt to be away before heading on downfield. Punters going off-script for whatever reason? Hm, that rings a bell.
  16. Seems like a good way to rack up ineligible downfield penalties.
  17. If Webb or Fromm are playing, it's trouble. But Webb can execute those Allen designed runs, as can Trubisky. If you're the disaster guy at least be able to run the same offense. Hart looked like he bought a slot at a fantasy camp Haack worries me, if I can notice he's a tick and half slow getting the punt off you know Belichick is licking his chops. Smith was good at LB and Giles flashed a couple times, and missed bad a couple times.
  18. Looked an awful lot like technique issues. Seemed to be over-protecting the inside rush and wasn't smooth on the slide step. You can see him thinking about how to execute it the way he's been coached, bend the hips, stay low and centered, by which point the end has the edge on him and he has to turn and try to ride him past the QB, which sometimes he was able to and sometimes not.
  19. Bam Johnson helped himself tonight I thought. Got a couple of instant wins off the snap leading to serious pressue.
  20. Brown got beat pretty bad on a handful of plays, but hell if he's not 15 yards downfield at the end of every trying to smack someone
  21. There's that, and lack of repertoire. After the first five spin moves failed, his go-to is try for a sixth.
  22. I don't let him on the plane. He makes Russell Bodine look like Billy Shaw by comparison.
  23. It’s situation. Today it was Just take it away from em And there’s the touch of class from Belichick
  24. what other ending to a New England home game could there be?
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