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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. When is Allen going to start hitting these blown coverages, I mean Daniel Jones can do it…
  2. Moss had space left and right but decided he wanted to blast the LB and come up short. gadget man mckittrick gets the first anyway.
  3. Mckittrick was so worried about running into Neal that he ran into the other Bill
  4. Are… are the Bills starting to get reputation calls?
  5. "Other that that, how was the play Mrs Lincoln?" I roflcoptered
  6. That don't confront me, long as I get the rent by Friday Edit: nobody else gets Ridge's reference?
  7. How are you sure Mowins identifies with the gender you are assuming xe identifies as? Do you know xir pronouns? That’s kinda presumptist and frankly I’m tired of this mindset that is outdated as of five minutes ago. Solomon Wilcots and the Jennifer… I mean Buffalo Beals still takes the cake.
  8. I read that as "least sexiest" person and was about to post a Captain Obvious meme.
  9. it deson’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod aepapr, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Thomas, Gibson and McLaurin are no joke, they are probably top-20 guys at their positions.
  10. So does Glenn Frey… Good to see Milano lighting it up after getting the new contract. Somebody had to… the rest of the retentions and extensions have been somewhat slow to start, haven’t they?
  11. ever watch his tape from high school when he was a wide receiver? As he becomes a vested veteran there’s some interesting specialty situations where he could contribute - Hail Mary defense for instance.
  12. You mean field goals don't help you win against a team that scores TDs?
  13. Oweh is showing out early this year, you draftniks. But, still would rather have Rousseau for the raw traits.
  14. 4th and hut-hut-hut-hut-hut-holy s**t
  15. Only if Lamar can do it on his own.
  16. Why did you go for a 2-point conversion when you were up 50 points?
  17. This is going to lead to teams having 2 offensive coordinators, a Running OC (ROC) (e.g. Roman) and a Passing OC (POC) (e.g. Dorsey). Then you'll need to create the position of Offensive Coordinator Coordinator (O.C.C.) to decide when to use the run or pass play.
  18. Mahomes face is just soooo... punchable.
  19. I don't even know what he was doing with his hands unless practicing for the dance line for Madonna's "Like A Prayer" video.
  20. Ladies and gentlement. #4 overall, Sammy Watkins.
  21. To be fair Josh's interception today looked like an "NFL" interception. Bad ball placement, superior DB play. Mahomes' was a Division II play. Or like a Sabres defenseman making an outlet pass under pressure.
  22. Madabuike is now, what we hope Basham becomes. Sugar rush Patrick of preseason returns! I don't even think that was arm arrogance, that was arrogance to the power of arrogance.
  23. This comment sort of reminds me of golfing... you have some little 330-yard crappy par-4. You slice a crap drive into the rough. Then you hook a junky iron 10 yards left and short. Then you chip it to 2 feet and make a low-stress par. You're happy about it, but the execution through the green was by and large poor and you know you can't maintain it and continue to score.
  24. Sad face re: Creed Humphrey
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