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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. You forgot Cris Coddleswab LOL
  2. dragged down on 3rd downs by refs
  3. Chiefs MVP http://a3.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=%2Fphoto%2F2014%2F0225%2Fny_penaltyflag_kh_1296x729.jpg
  4. The only thing I’m worried about in this game is the refs. KC can’t sustain a drive without them. Their D can’t stop the Bills without committing an uncalled PI.
  5. End 3rd quarter Bills 38 minus 7 from refs Chiefs 6 plus 7 from refs
  6. They aren’t calling it both ways.
  7. Two third downs in a row stop with PI by grabbing Diggs arms
  8. Even the cameraman couldn’t believe Rousseau did that
  9. Late? Below the knee? trust us, don’t believe your lying eyes.
  10. They spent too much money on the “Bills defense is a mirage” animation not to use it, despite the scoreboard.
  11. I benched Buffalo defense in fantasy which guaranteed they were gonna make a house call. You’re welcome.
  12. Let’s see if the Bills can get away with a PI on 3rd down
  13. Pulling the arm before ball arrives, nice if you can get away with it
  14. LOL at Ed “The Rock” Oliver on the bench
  15. NFL’s back for Sunday night… and Monday morning…
  16. you need to threaten to switch to the Chamber Pot Of Secrets
  17. Al Michaels: “A lot of good running, not a lot of good passing except a 61-yarder to Diggs” Truck shows touchdown dime to Sanders. Forgets All-World TD to Knox. Sheesh
  18. severe beating delay amirite
  19. Bills are dominating. If you don’t have the infinite 3rd down penalty TD drive from Chiefs and the ticky tack hold on Dawkins the score would more accurately reflect the reality of this game, anywhere from: Bills 31 Chiefs 6 to Bills 27 Chiefs 9
  20. Sean McD. Wanna wrestle?
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