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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Jaime Martin? Now I bet JP is trembling now at the thought of that competition
  2. Good. If this league cannot come to quick agreements with the amount of money they make and with their perfect TV deals primarily because of favorable schedules (once a week) the NFL and NFLPA should be shot.
  3. We have to wait?!?!?!?!?! OH THE HORROR!!!
  4. That was a thought I had as well. Hopefully the cap stays in place...if not, can you say Los Angeles Bills of Buffalo?
  5. I was a HUGE Sopranos fan...but honestly...this long layoff took a lot out of the show IMO.....just not into it as much as before.
  6. As JP-Era grabs the oxygen mask.....
  7. Overdue for a babe!!! B U M P!!
  8. No Bledsoe references, so I doubt it
  9. And yet people keep getting sucked into their E$PN radio and sportscenter... You know how stupid I think E$PN is? I DONT watch SportsCenter or listen to their garbage on the radio.
  10. Its all George's fault. Next question.
  11. I hope this one is right!!! NFL Draft Forecast OT D'Brickashaw Ferguson (Virginia) DT Broderick Bunkley (Fla. St.)
  12. Im guessing this joke centers around the "deep within" part?
  13. Guess that might rule out Cutler?
  14. Is that JP-Era's reaction to the Bills not signing a stud player at 12:04am at the beginning of last year's FA period ??
  15. Thanks for the link and the clarification
  16. Not to get overly biblical about this whole thing, but I dont ever recall from my days reading the Bible where fasting for lent is mentioned..and certian ages can fast etc...and observing feast days etc...that is where I am failing to understand this rule by the Catholic Church. I will leave it at that.
  17. See this is what I do not get about this rule....they make changes based on a holiday? Either its a rule or not. I do not get it.
  18. It means he is John Clayton...right once every 3 months.
  19. Remember, the NFL is a PERFECT league...does NO wrong
  20. Sad when a guy like SOPRANO is so in need of attention he posts outrageous things...and yet we all fall for it....and the intelligent well thought out posts by so many others here get buried.
  21. Again, I thought the NFL was IMMUNE to all of this...the league is PERFECT....can never be like the other sports....oh yeah, they are all greedy too!
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