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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. I could not make it till the end....but at 730am on my way to work I called my buddy who is a die hard Oilers fan...he sounded dead to the world at work but oh was he pleased.... And I agree..if the Oilers skate and hit like they did last night...they can take SJ.
  2. Here is the sad thing: Maybe if Bettman put an emphasis on marketing the sport better, it would not matter as much to see 4 small market teams in the playoffs. The NHL IMO has one BIG problem that most people overlook: In today's sports fan world, newspapers are more obselete, even reading articles on the internet are still good, but now all the rage is E$PN Sportscenter and sports talk radio....fans today need instant gratification...need to hear their sports opinions and scores in a flash...and these outlets cater to that craving. Take a look at the biggest "personalities" in sports radio: Mike and Mike E$PN: They hate hockey, period. Mike & The Mad Dog (NYC): They can tolerate the NHL, but clearly as a 5th option at BEST Dan Patrick: I don't think he talks about the NHL at all (please correct me if I am wrong) Jim Rome? Not sure about him either.... Colin Cownerd: Listened to him twice, does he discuss the NHL?? I'm taking a small sample here, but let's be fair, a LOT of fans today listen to these "personalities" and formulate their sports interests and opinions based on what they say or discuss. So if these "personalities" are not disccussing the NHL, how can newer sports fans be expected to watch the NHL when nimrods like Mike and Mike keep putting down the NHL???
  3. Yeah that's it...man its killing me that I cannot remember that song!
  4. This reminds me of an INXS video from the 80's...cannot remember the song though
  5. Well if the Loafs are capable of pulling this feat off, then it is TRULY possible
  6. I think the 1975 Islanders did.
  7. good. Im glad Vega$ does not respect the Sabres
  8. Damn its one big Buffalo reunion in Tampa!!!! Jonathan Linton far behind??
  9. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Bingo!!!!! People gotta stop depending on E$PN for their own opinions, especially from sports radio.
  11. Thats it! Thanks for the info SC!!
  12. I will be there in spirit as well!!! So tater, will you bring a sign to Game 3???? No sign threads yet??
  13. Wow, first off good to hear that you are feeling better... I have been wondering about Spenda myself...how can it be good for you? just does not make sense... I've heard there is a natural sugar you can use instead...I think you can get it in a health food store...my aunt told me about it a couple of years ago and I cannot rememver what it is called.
  14. Good post and I agree with your assessment AD.
  15. The Silent Thread for Mort should be pinned at the top of TSW
  16. Where in the world is Ed? Lurking in the shadows and waiting to show himself in this thread if the Devils take the next 4 and the Sabres do in fact advance??
  17. To me it was clean...but it was not far away from being dirty.....
  18. Good point....but how do you explain emotions, dreaming, feelings, the way the human body is constructed....how does that just all 'happen' without someone devising it???
  19. How does one explain things like emotion and the ability to think, communicate....the ability to dream in your sleep....the fact that the Earth is in a spot, just the right spot from the sun so life can be here on Earth...how can science just create feelings?
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