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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Keep it going tater!!!
  2. Man has that show declined in quality!!!! WTF is with these 2 gay guys and MUST they show everything??? Why is that dragged out so much?? Is the show attempting to push some kind of agenda now? Just seems to me, The Sopranos actually "whacked" a few too many great characters early on (Mikey P, Big Pus, Ralph, Richie, just to name a few) that maybe if they kept 1 or 2 of those characters the show would still be top notch today. And I miss Adriana
  3. They will all be gone in about 10 minutes on Wednesday I bet
  4. Here is my suggestion for a sign: No, #24 is NOT Jeff Gordon
  5. I thought this was going to be an annoucement that he was joining Mike Williams in Tampa
  6. I don't pray to the hockey God's that is for sure
  7. Northeast Division Champions???
  8. I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Just to confirm. Willis McGhaee is a member of the Buffalo Bills.
  10. So none of the Yankee players had heart that year?? Matsui? Jeter? Mussina? Rivera? Williams? None of them??? So if you have the highest payroll, does that mean you don't have much heart?
  11. Ok, Im nuttin' up dammit!!!
  12. Yankees did have heart and talent, and they choked away a 3-0 lead. It can happen. Sabres have won 3 games by 1 goal...who is to say the Sens don't get the bounces now for 2 games? It is not a matter of me losing faith. It is a matter of looking at this situation realistically. It is not like the Sabres have been blowing out the Sens.
  13. Sounds about right to me
  14. If the Sabres lose this series...I retire as a Bills and Sabres fan.
  15. Any Connolly updates whatsoever??? Any chance he will play Sat???
  16. I could not agree more. Instant Messenger Services: Just contributing to the dumbing down of the world.
  17. I'm taking down my avatar of the Sens logo being choked...I think that is bad karma right now
  18. Still feeling very confident about this series? Any major concerns?
  19. First things first... This is OLN's 1st year.....I'm willing to give them a chance....yes OLN has some issues and kinks to work on...but they show other HOCKEY shows...Legends of Hockey etc....it seems to be at least they are making an effort to get hockey some exposure.....E$PN was just hoping to get it off the air so they can air "sports"center and all that Budweiser Hot Seat, or PTI, or show reruns of Chris Moneyfaker winning the World Series of Rivers (I mean Poker) Give me OLN any day of the week. Let E$PN cater to the needs of NBA players who dont have 1/10 the heart of players from any generation before them.
  20. Didn't JSP start gashing about the 2004 Yankees when they had a 3-0 lead against the Red Sox???
  21. Found that on another site...was too classic to pass up!!!
  22. I think Dom is gonna play.
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