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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. You notice the Buffalo Bills have not been a playoff team since George W. Bush officially took office in 2000? Let's blame everything on Bush, as everything else is, and perhaps now that he is leaving the Bills can make the playoffs. Sounds logical to me
  2. 1. How long And... 2. You work for RW? Go to his Geritol parties?
  3. How about looking at the talent and realizing the Bills offense is just not that good at all. Or is that not an excuse but fact so we cannot use that one?
  4. What would you all think of DJ and Turk this morning if the 2nd and 5 play call worked and the Bills then ran out the clock and won the game?
  5. Need More be said?
  6. Because: 1. The Saints lost a demoralizing game last week and are basically out of the WC race. 2. The Saints have no defense 3. The Lions WILL be VERY motivated to win.
  7. The Lions will beat the Saints this week. Book it.
  8. What's his 40 time? Wonderlic?
  9. How can you compare an uncapped league and a team like Boston in a bigger market to the Buffalo Bills? and to the other posters point, sure we need a winning product on the field...but ill tell you what...look at a team like Arizona...look how long they were doormats...look how nice that stadium is....again, I am not saying we build a new stadium POOF, we have a winner...but the increased revenue generated for the Bills would be huge, and maybe Ralph can then stop bitching about 'money problems' and get us a big time coach etc.. And again, would you who have season tickets pay for the increases to get what you want?
  10. And in New York State, isn't paying higher taxes just par for the course?
  11. You are right....but what about Arizona, as an example then? Or Tampa Bay?
  12. As the NFL grows more and more each year and the super powers, Dallas, Washington, New York, etc get more and more $ because of various reasons (high ticket prices, modern stadiums etc) it has become clear as day to me if the Buffalo Bills want to be able to attract some prospective UFA's and 'keep up with the Joneses" as they say, it is time to bid adois to the Ralph and build a modern stadium either in Orchard Park or downtown Buffalo. And having said that, as a Bills fan, we yearn to see our team be the very best it can be. In order to do that,for example would you pay double the price or MORE for the tickets you pay now if that meant the Bills would 'have enough $' to go out and get a Bill Cowher as a HC?
  13. Notice how many times the Chargers are on this list? See we are not the only NFL city that suffers
  14. Sean Avery would appreciate that comment
  15. Perhaps my favorite scene of almost any Seinfeld: (Long but classic!) GEORGE: Gee, Kramer, I uh...I don't know what to say. KRAMER: Say yes! Yes, George. Yes! GEORGE: Should I give you my keys, is that the transaction, trading keys...? Because Elaine has my keys. KRAMER: Well, you can get 'em back. GEORGE: I suppose I could. KRAMER: Because you see, George, having the keys to Jerry's apartment? That kept me in a fantasy world. Every time I went over to his house, it was like I was on vacation. Better food, better view, better TV. And cleaner? Oh - much cleaner. That became my reality. I ignored the squalor in my own life because I'm looking at life, you see, through Jerry's eyes. I was living in twilight, George. Living in the shadows. Living in the darkness...like you. GEORGE: Me? KRAMER: Oh, yeah. I can barely see you, George. GEORGE: Alright, stop it Kramer, you're freakin' me out. <The waitress comes over.> WAITRESS: Hi, are you ready to order? <George tries to order, but Kramer interrupts.> KRAMER (moves over and sits next to George): Do you ever yearn? GEORGE: Yearn? Do I yearn? KRAMER: I yearn. GEORGE: You yearn. KRAMER: Oh, yes. Yes, I yearn. Often, I...I sit...and yearn. Have you yearned? GEORGE: Well, not recently. I craved. I crave all the time, constant craving...but I haven't yearned. KRAMER (in disgust): Look at you. GEORGE: Aw, Kramer, don't start... KRAMER (moving back to the othe side of the booth): You're wasting your life. GEORGE: I am not! What you call wasting, I call living! I'm living my life! KRAMER: O.K., like what? No, tell me! Do you have a job? GEORGE: No. KRAMER: You got money? GEORGE: No. KRAMER: Do you have a woman? GEORGE: No. KRAMER: Do you have any prospects? GEORGE: No. KRAMER: You got anything on the horizon? GEORGE: Uh...no. KRAMER: Do you have any action at all? GEORGE: No. KRAMER: Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning? GEORGE: I like to get the Daily News! KRAMER: George, it's time for us to grow up - and be men. Not little boys. GEORGE: Why? KRAMER: I'm goin' to California. You know, I got the bug. GEORGE: Yeah, I think I got a touch of something, too. KRAMER: No, the acting bug. Ever since I was in that Woody Allen movie. GEORGE: "These pretzels are making me thirsty"? That was one line! You got fired! KRAMER: I know, I know, but man! I never felt so alive! Now, are you coming with me? GEORGE: Uh, no, I'm not. KRAMER: Alright, suit yourself. But let's keep this between us - we're key brothers now. <Gets up to leave.> GEORGE: You're not really gonna go to California, are you? KRAMER (points to his head): Up here, I'm already gone. <Kramer exits.>
  16. NEWMAN: You wanna know what happened to Kramer? I'll tell you what happened to Kramer. He was ticked off. About the keys. Yeah, that's right - about the keys. Thought he got a bad rap. JERRY: Bad rap? NEWMAN: Yeah. From you. JERRY: Me? NEWMAN: You heard me. So he packed it up and split for the coast. La-La Land. L.A.
  17. FYI on that: Lions crushed the Cowboys 38-9, in the 1991 NFL Divisional Playoffs
  18. She will probably be charged with something
  19. :blink: :lol: :lol:
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