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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. 2 questions: 1. How many in the league? 2. If there are 12 or more, how much will you win for 1st??? Because you will
  2. I agree with playing Vick. Green is playing at Denver on Sunday Night, not a great spot for KC...and Vick is at San Francisco, he should be able to produce, especially since SF's offense is so bad it will setup Vick for more possible TD's
  3. oh man I can still see Mark Wholers!!!! And hear Joe Buck go "Back to the wall....We are Tied!!!!"
  4. Man just thinking about something like that happenes sends a chill down my spine, I dont understand how someone could be so f'in sick to hurt kids..they dont deserve to live
  5. The only time of year I dont like is Feb- Mid March, football is over, hockey is too far from the playoffs, NBA, well, its the NBA and March madness hastn started yet, and baseball hasnt started either
  6. The writing has been on the wall with this Yankees team for awhile now, its just that the offense outhomering everyone has patched up their definicies temporarily...their SP and even middle relief woes are being expo$ed Well if there is 1 silver lining for the Yanks fan it may be 1996: Yankees were crusing with a big lead and almost had a major meltdown, I remember Baltimore got withing 2 games or even 1 game of the yankees if I remember correctly...Yankees did then get their act together in Mid-September and eventually won the World Series...2 different teams no doubt, but its still not too late to turn things around.
  7. And you are 3 1/2 games BEHIND? On September 1st, boy Red Sox fans dont have big expectations Lets see the Red Sox take it all, all i hear is Red Sox fans moaning about last year "ONLY Grady Little cost us the series"....well maybe Mr All World Pedro could have stepped up his game too.... Since you Red Sox fans are now talking so much trash, I expect to see you pass the Yankees and like I said its about time....Yankees obviosuly dont have what it takes this year
  8. I just love how Red $ox fans are starved for attention...3 1/2 games out of 1st against the Yankees on September 1st makes them feel like they won something....Yankees are done this year Im afraid..I just dont see it...as long as the Yankees do not lose to Boston in the playoffs, I could CARE LESS what happens to the Red Sox in the playoffs, go ahead win a World Series already, its about friggin time
  9. Yankees are playing awful right now, but I know a lot fo you Yankees haters think all Yankees fans jump ship, well we dont. I actually like the fact this happened, I like to see a little adversity, Yankees will have to fight for the division for once. Id love to be a fly on the wall listening to King George's reaction to that loss
  10. 3 words T-Bone: ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!
  11. Nice to hear some optimism about the OL, I cannot comment too much, Im out of the Buffalo area, do not have DirectTV so Im going by what is said here...Im willing to be patient with McNally with this OL, miracles dont happen overnight
  12. Very good post and you are right, up to this point the Cardinals rotation has been EXCELLENT, I totally agree there and just to bring the Yankees into my point, their SP, and for good reason, is questioned, because of what they have done on the field. Now the Cards rotation, lets be honest here, I dont think anyone envisioned these pitchers having these kinds of years, so at least going into the playoffs, it has to be somewhat of a mystery because there isnt much history for their staff in the playoffs. And they very well just might prove the skeptics wrong. I agree about Prior, and its not like hes been pitching lights out either. Its time for the Cubs to stop moaning about their injuries and play the kind of baseball they are capable of playing.
  13. We will be ok, we arent the New York Giants of 2002 if you know what I mean
  14. How many teams in the draft?
  15. Id keep: Priest Holmes, Fred Taylor, Kevan Barlow Why not have 3 of the better RB's? And where are you picking in the draft? Especially if you pick early on, you can affoed to make this kind of move and take the best WR avail...if you leave Jackson and Moulds avail and pick 2nd, you can just grab them again in the draft
  16. I agree, and with a new OL coach, Im sure they have changed some of their technique from last yr....OL is one of the last components of a team to jell...lets hope they get healthy and are productive when the season counts the most...from october on...not in August
  17. Im in. This league is free correct? My team name: My Team Sucks
  18. Done deal!?!?!!? Chris Carpenter. Jeff Suppan. Jason Marquis. Yep, Im $haking in my boots thinking about that rotation. Lineup and defense I agree, they are the best. Sure they can go to the WS, lets see if the Cards prove me wrong with their starting pitching
  19. Calico the WR on the Titans
  20. It really is amazing gantrules, say what you want about Atlanta's performance in the playoffs, but man I really thought this was the year they might be done, and there they are again, what a job by Bobby Cox
  21. Stevestojan's post about the Super Bowl made me think of this, its getting close to the home stretch in MLB. What are your World Series Predictions and how many games? Edit: Shoot I forgot to add mine!! I know T-80 and the rest of my Yankee friends here will be disappointed but: Chicago Cubs over Oakland in 6 games
  22. Madden 2005 Super Bowl prediction???
  23. I like that pick, especally if NE loses
  24. Same conference?
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