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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. So they have been in a similar situation????? When?? And again, I DO NOT support the yankees opinions on this
  2. My last comment on this thread. I love how all You yankee haters say how dumb Yankees fans sound, and Ill agree, calling for this forefit to me just dosent make sense and plain idiotic...but look in the mirror and read over your comments about Yankees fans, how you lump all of us into one category, you think Yankees fans are all "bandwagon jumpers". I sure was a bandwagon jumper watching Melido Perez, Tim Leary, Chuck Cary, John Montefusco, Steve Trout, and other great Yankee hurlers of the 80's...yep, Im a typical Yankee fan, and there are PLENTY just like me, so stop these stupid comments already! I love when you all say "its easy to be a Yankees fan", well you know what I think JUST the opposite, sometimes it sucks because Yankees fans can never win in other baseball fans eyes...Yankees lose all of you rejoice and baseball is great, Yankees win the World Series you B word and moan like little babies and yell about $$ over and over and how baseball sucks. I just love how there is a double standard. About the Red Sox, they are playing GREAT baseball and if they do overtake the Yankees and win the World Series, then I salute them, they are making one hell of the run.
  3. It comes one in a lifetime...enjoy it (joking) I do not defend what the Yankeees said about the forefit, believe me....but I love how ESPN played it up...I wonder if they would do the same if Boston made the same kind of request...I HIGHLY doubt it...
  4. Are you referring to a lot of Pats fans as well when making that statement about bandwagon jumping? Thats an unfair comment about Pats fans, isnt it? If it is (and I think it would be unfair to label most Pats fans bandwagon jumpers, same goes for all of you who label most Yankees fans bandwagon jumpers)
  5. Nice of you to label all Yankee fans the same...well they arent. Right back at you :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  6. I wonder if Jorge Posada and Moises Alou read this and are saying "I told you using urine for yourself has its benefits!!!"
  7. Im on R.Rich, I changed my team name to Clements22 Thanks!
  8. Im gonan register soon, I have 4 teams setup on my primary yahoo account, but it wont allow me a 5th, so i have to remember my password for my other yahoo account LOL
  9. It can be done!
  10. Wait that is too much logic for a Friday....Preseason means A LOT remember? Bills are done. Im cancelling all plans to Western NY this fall! Whens the draft?!
  11. I think penalties also reflects coaching too...this is MM's first year so i say give him the benefit of the doubt...is it any concidence that Parcells coached teams are usually some of the least pentalized in football?
  12. Go ahead and believe that Willis is a bust already. This fan is willing to give him more time, and the reason is there is a history of other backs taking longer to recover from injuries like Willis had.
  13. Just what we need to see....Brady is out 2 weeks for example, Flutie beats the Bills, and the Flutie lovers come out of the woodworks again, oh boy
  14. I hate the Jets more then anyone, but KEEPS getting hurt? He got hurt once!
  15. Well said millbank and who here REALLY thought Willis was going to look 100 percent this year? I defiantely didnt
  16. Just stay away from the Carolinas to Florida this week, who knows with this storm...
  17. Actually Camden is better this time of year
  18. R.Rich, good times for me would be next week, tue-fri, around 530pm-630pm est, could also make it early evening, even if I cannot make it for the entire draft, I will pre-rank all my players if for some reason I could not attend.
  19. I may be interested, if you can just let me know when you think the draft may be and Ill let you know if I can attend.
  20. Good luck to you Steve, and be safe
  21. When does hte draft start? Ill join right now if its today and its free EDIT: I joined now
  22. Damn this storm looks nasty, I hope all goes well for you down there when this hits, my advice: get outta there ASAP...good luck
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