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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Your welcome from the early Christmas gift from JoePa and Penn State
  2. And SC did more in 1 game then Rian Lindell has done since he's been with the Bills
  3. McGahee? Have you been watching Travis Henry???
  4. After that rant Ill say RJ > Captian America Move the team?? Cmon already
  5. Of course my #1 priority will be the Bills, but Ill jump on the Philadelphia Eagles bandwagon, because so many Giants, Jets fans here where I live despise them and Id love to see them get aggrevated with a Eagles SB win. Plus a few of my close friends are Eagles fans
  6. I agree...and Im not suggesting the Bills defense is bad, it just seems in the later part of the games when they have to protect a slim lead, it seems they come up short more often then coming through
  7. I 2nd that....they are punks with a Captial P...they really have a lot to say for a team that has done stevestojan till Namath stepped in Stevestojan and the Colts were paid off to throw Super Bowl III to springboard the merger of the AFC/NFC. I dont care what the records are, to me losing to the Jets is an utter embarassment.
  8. Wade Phillips era!?!?! At least the Bills showed spunk, they were able to win some games...I thought I would NEVER think back to the WP era and smile like I did today!
  9. True, but for a defense that has a high rating, it seems to not close the door well, we should be 2-2
  10. Right now I have to favor Arizona.. There isnt ONE TEAM in this league that is in worse shape right now, argubaly every other team has either more in place or more to look forward to. Feels like 1984 around here
  11. For ONCE in their lives, can they close the door when theBills have the lead? And they are TERRIBLE on 3rd down, and that has been the case since 2001, how long has Gray been here?? Hmmmm This team needs a LOT of work.
  12. Should we start a countdown to the 2005 Home Opener already? This team is a joke. Jets fans, dont get excited. Are they playing the Univ of Buffalo next?
  13. And remember some on here thought, even a Top 10 1st rounder WASNT enough for TH?? Unbelievable how some overrate their teams players.
  14. Wait! Dont say that!!! Teams with moderate-low payroll BEAT the Yankees? That CANNOT happen acoording to some here, right!?!?!! To Yankee Haters that keep whining about money: STOP THE CRYING!!
  15. Oh so after 86 years and better yet all the RECENT history, the Sox win once for once in their lives? With all the stevestojan the Sox fans talk, I fully expect the Sox to win, show me how great you are then...and if you win your World Series already, then so be it.
  16. And thats why in the NHL teams with twice as much less payroll then the New York Rangers have done 100X better then the Rangers? Rule dosent always apply. Case closed.
  17. Caesar's in Las Vegas has the odds for that at 150-1
  18. Is Rutgers on the Jets schedule in November?
  19. I must say that was a good job by the Red Sox, when Vlad hit the Grand Slam, you felt that could be a major monentum shift, but the Sox pen held their ground and Ortiz came up big, I do question Scoscia for bringing in Washburn at that moment, even though its leftie-leftie Id rather take my chances with Rodriguez, but the Sox got it done.
  20. If I had the tickets Id just give them to you, just show I didnt have to put up with Jets fans like yourself. I refuse to go to see the New Jersey Jets in NEW JERSEY. Period.
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