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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. But here is my question: If you are such a huge Cardinals fan and they are now facing elimnation, why are you SO concerned about what the Yankees are doing all the time???? Why not just worry about YOUR team..thats what doesnt make sense to me... Oh wait...lots of Championships may have something to do with it too!
  2. How can you possibly sit here and say the yankees dont have the heart? This makes me laugh almost every time I hear it....do we know these players personally? How do we really know what is in their heart??? And again, why arent you concentrating on the "Choke Job By the Misssissippi???"
  3. Again, I just love how you focus on the Yankees, shows where your heart REALLY is 1982
  4. Heres my point: Why wouldnt a Boston player EXPECT everything to go his way?? What are you Red Sox fans or Yankee haters trying to point out here?? What player DOSENT expect to succeed??? Enlighten me.
  5. As long as the Yankees win tonight and Boston dosent, thats really all I care about, if they lost the World Series then so be it....the World Series to me, when Boston is playing the Yankees in the ALCS, is the undercard. If the yankees were playing someone else in the ALCS, say a Seattle, then thats a different story.
  6. The Pirates look like they have something good going on. Oiliver Perez looks like he can be a top flight starter, Jason Bay should win the ROY, and they have other good solid ballplayers (Jack Wilson, Kendall, etc)...if the Pirates can just get another pitcher and maybe find another solid bat, theyll be on the way up.
  7. Oh man, dont tell me he has a Pittsburgh Steelers connection!!!
  8. I just love how you have to concentrate on the Yankees when you team the Cardinals, are falling right in line with you other team that makes a habit of choking, the Indiana Pacers. Its comical.
  9. Do you think of the Red Sox were up 3-0 and they lost 3 straight, that Ortiz and the boys would have felt they would have lost 3 straight? Why should they feel the way??? Good teams expect to win. If you are trying to imply that Yankees players are arrogant as well as their fans, then just say it already.
  10. Thats priceless. Yep, Jeter and the boys thought it was supposed to be handed to them!! HAHAHAHAHA
  11. Another post that I laugh at... You were CERTIAN St Louis was gonna win it all, and with ease...and I pray they go belly-up now, when is the last time St Louis did anything of significance? When MTV was ACTUALLY a Music station???
  12. So now T-Bone speaks??? Weak. Very weak.
  13. Unfortunately I do think the Sox win tonight...my game 7 thoughts? Pass the Everclear...
  14. They wont, Im sure they will have live shots from some bar in Boston, all those 21 year old fans who has suffered since 1918
  15. Tennessee +14 Miami + 13 1/2
  16. steve, are these 2 point, 6 point teasers?
  17. True, but they are supposed to be a National network, not a network that will get their jollyes off of seeing their team win
  18. Chargers suddendly have a very good offense
  19. I agree more of the business side...but the game IMO needs changing too...tag up offsides rule needs to come back, insitagator rule is a joke too..wider rinks (players are much bigger now)..rename the divisions back to what they were and come up with 2 new ones.... RJ > Bettman
  20. This whole thing is a joke. Players have NEVER taken a cut across the board in $, and now they should and they wont. And Bettman is a huge piece of stevestojan too. The sport needs a MAJOR overhaul.
  21. "Buffalo West" continues....
  22. Im not a big John Sterling fan myself, he was better when he first started with the Yankees, now I think his ego has gotten in the way a bit. If you really listen to Sterling I will say this though: He is complimentary to the other teams players, and will go out of his way to talk how great Ortiz and Manny are as hitters, for example. Ive heard worse homers then Sterling IMO, ever listen to a Cubs broadcast??? Honestly, and again Im not saying its a problem, if you arent a Yankees fan (Buck and McCarver arent) why wouldnt you want the Red Sox to win??? For Fox, its a much better story having Boston in the World Series, with 1918, the supposed curse, the fact that Fox portrays Red Sox fans as the only fans that suffered in their whole life, (like no other sports fans suffer more) and whatnot. Do we need to see 3-5 Boston Red Sox fans reactions before virtually EVERY pitch??? I agree they have been waiting a LOOOONG time, but to me its a little bit of an overkill.
  23. 1. The Bills, especially under Bledsoe, are a god awful road team 2. Bills are 1-4, Ravens are 3-2 3. Scoring 20 points is a major task for this Bills offense, even at home. 4. Did I mention that Drew is bad on the road against good defenses?
  24. Are you serious?? Joe Buck and McCarver rooting for the Yankees? No way..if anything they want the Sox to make this 7 games and then they want them in the series....Im not complaining about that, they can "root" for whoever they want...
  25. They were favored....and the majority of experts picked the Sox to win..especially those on the rah-rah Red $ox network, E$PN
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