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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. 31? Oh my that would be a miracle!!!
  2. Absolutely....and the Bills are a solid bet IMO, especially when you consider the Ravens are an offensively challenged team
  3. Id go wth Travis just for this week, seems they want to play TH, so id go with that if I had to pick 1...anyone else in the waiver wire that you can try???
  4. Heres mine: Buffalo 17, Baltimore 14.... 2-4 and bring on the Cards!!! Yours?
  5. I agree with your points about the Bills, especially living here in NJ, it does take dedication and we are going through a lot, and someday we will be rewarded I truly believe that! I weird but seeing how the Bills have done, especially lately, just makes me appreciate what I have with the Yankees so I never take that for granted. I dont like to be that obnoxious Yankees fan who rubs it in. I love the game of baseball too, I just dont want the Sox to win, but other then that, if others win, hey, thats great too. I truly beleive that if George keeps doing what he is doing, the team will progressively get worse. They have to start building a team instead of buying it, evenutally it wont work, mark that down. Sure, they are winning a lot of games during the season, but they are being expo$ed in the post season. Their bench leaves a lot to be desired, and they have holes in their pitching. And they spend that much $, how can that happen?
  6. If its so easy then how come I felt like I was gonna hurl the other night? Yep, thats easy. Whats wrong with saying that Im a die hard Yankees fan since 1982? There were some good years and some lean years in the 80's growing up as a kid. Yankees were a circus show back then. And in the late 80's, early 90's they were pitiful for the most part, one of the worst teams in the league. I went to so many games during those times I cannot even remember how many. Of course come 1996 thats all changed, but I remember the lean years too believe me. I wont bring up "Ive been a die hard Yankees fan since whenever, but Im gonna puke if I hear how "easy" it is to be a yankees fan again.
  7. Thata correct, and that didnt even seem like a road win, the Giants were so listless and the fans were virtually non-existant
  8. God i hope not..
  9. Good post and now that Im out of my daze over my Yankees choking, Im starting to get fired up for this game. It would be great to get to 2-4 and look forward to 2 home games against the Cards and the Jets!!!!! Bills offense needs to be mistake free and they have to move the ball early, even if they dont score right off the bat, get the ball to the 40, 50 and establish field position. They cannot expect to start drives at their own 10 and win on that defense.
  10. Thats true....but just because Hoge was the only one to do so, it got a chuckle out of me LOL
  11. LOL @Hoge for picking Cleveland. he was SO ANIMATE about Philly, saying they will NOT be in the playoffs... I guess hes trying to hold out hope for that pick becoming true!!!
  12. Nice!! Lets hope for once these bafoons are right!!!!
  13. Let me ask you this: Did the Yankees and George Steinbrenner just build this empire of money overnight??? Absolutely not. Im for a certian type of salary control, but personally I dont think as a businessowner who is trying to win, you would like someone to tell you "George, you are only allowed to spend 55 percent of the money you make to win". Now again, Im assuming this under the current ticket pricing etc. So if you want a salary cap, there better damn well be a nice decrease in tickets, especially for the Yankees, so IMO that will never happen, especially w/o a lucrative TV deal like the NFL has, and IMO the NFL wouldnt this this stable w/o their TV deals. You want to know where else the Yankees make huge cash? Season ticket holders, especially the top seats. Business in NYC WILL pay top coin to get the season tickets, and George can basically keep jacking up the prices as he sees fit, as long as the Yankees are a top team. This is one of the biggest problems in baseball too. It annoys me that a lot of corporation swallow up these premium seats. How about this, make the luxury tax even MORE strict now, make the top teams really pay for it, but the other thing too is, make sure teams like the Royals just dont pocket the money and say "thanks George for the trip to Fiji for me and my family" Another solution: International Draft- So teams like the Yankees, Red Sox and whomever cannot just go to Cuba for example and sign a player. Make them go into the draft, so teams like the Tigers can draft these top players. Once they get them and the team does very well (thats the goal), then the teams revenue goes up, then its that teams obligation of sorts to try to keep these players and maintain a level of success. It can be done. Personally I think teams like Tampa are cheap as they come and that will never change, unless they want to try.
  14. Im still hurting over the ALCS, personally Im not even interested in the WS. Well I guess as long as the Sox lose, but again I can care less
  15. Heres another curse theory: The YES Network Curse Yankees havent won it all since its inception.... The CenterStage Curse?!?!
  16. Agreed...that would be so sweet to see Hull get in!!!!
  17. Good post, and whats funny about their home grown talent is that there isnt much left now, and yet they have been throwing more $ around, and yet this team isnt nearly as good as the ones in the late 90's....which is kind of what I was trying to explain. Throwing money at FA all the time will eventually catch up to you in the end. if the Yankees dont start building from within, itll be the 80's all over again
  18. I couldnt have said it any better myself. Excellent post and you are right, I know someone who works there too and you arent exaggerating. Its unprofessional. When I interned for the New Jersey Devils, I was working a Buffalo Sabres game and the Sabres won, and I never celebrated once, especally on the job. That would be unprofessional. I was there to do a job.
  19. First off, to the Red Sox fans here that actually have some class, I sent my congrats, its been a longtime coming for some Red Sox fans that’s for sure. Last night around 12:30am, I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I have only felt as a sports fan on very few occasions, such as after one of the four Bills Super Bowl losses, and the 1999 SC Finals. Even though the Yankees have had immense success, this was painful because as a Yankees fan since 1982, Ive never experienced that feeling. Even after Game 4, I was getting uneasy about this series, thinking they better close this out in 5 because Moose is on the mound, and Leiber for Game 6 and a very unreliable Brown for Game 7, Yankees left themselves open for this to happen. I give the Sox credit, they keep coming after you over and over, they work the counts very well, and they foul a lot of pitches off which juices up the opposing pitchers pitch counts. Also I believe if you had to pick a 'sleeper MVP' for this series, it is Dave Roberts. He disrupted the Yankees pitchers, especially Gordon, and Im not even sure the Sox get back to NY without a guy like that on the bench. Yankees have no one to blame but themselves. Torre IMO was outmanaged, and sometimes I believe he walks on water and he shouldn’t, and as crazy as it sounds, I wouldn’t mind seeing a managerial change. Something tells me that will happen because George is gonna look for someone to take the fall, and the Yankees have a few immovable contracts, most logical choice is to remove Torre. I think George has been itching to do it since last year. As a result of this collapse by the Yankees, here are 2 things that IMO that I hear over and over here that should just stop: 1. Complaining over and over about the Yankees payroll- Listen of course money helps I will never deny that, but the last four years have CLEARLY shown money doesn’t buy everything (Marlins, Angels, D-Backs). You still have to play the games, and the Yankees have bigger stars now but arent nealry the team they once were. The Yankees recent failures in the playoffs IMO makes me appreciate the 96, 98,99, and 2000 Yanks that much more. 2. "How can a Bills fan be a Yankees fan??"- Im sorry but I just do not understand this comment at all, what does that mean??? I would never question a Bills fan being a Red Sox fan etc, that I don’t understand at all What happened yesterday will bother me forever, so all Yankees fans have officially suffered at one time or another. As for the World Series, I could give a stevestojan about it. And if Red Sox fans didn’t watch it last year, I understand that too. And there are no curses, to me that is all a bunch of stevestojan too. Ive said my peace on baseball. Now, back to the Bills.
  20. In one word: YES Good for the Red Sox, now most of ESPN can go stroke the one eyed snake and be happy. This game is over.
  21. My friend is an Eagles fan...and he told me that Troy Vincent will take the ski mask to Buffalo....Vincent he said always seemed to be out longer then he should have
  22. Please let 1918 live!!!!
  23. Guest poster is right.....tough ticket to get
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