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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Im not sure if I see that as a possiility, especially if Edge does not re-sign with the Colts. I would imagine if Edge leaves, the Colts will make every effort to keep marvin. Plus playing indoors, that will enhance Harrison's chances of getting close to Jerry Rice's career numbers. I dont see it happening.
  2. Couldnt agree more. Week 2, I was at the bar and this drunk Cowboys fan kept thanking me over and over for OUR 1st round Pick. Too Bad their OWN 1st rounder will be higher.
  3. And who knows, you may even get on ESPN and become "famous", especially in ESPN's eyes!!!!
  4. I agree...its the Same Ol' Situation!!! (Motley Crue Song)
  5. If this was 1985 Id be impressed.
  6. Artest really scored points today with his TV sport where he was PROMOTING his new CD.....nice job Artest...you are involved in one of the ugliest moments in American sports history, and hes promoting his CD. Now I wish he got 2 years.
  7. Wait, there was a brawl Friday Night!?!?
  8. And lets hope it never gets there either lol
  9. It may reach "Im a horrible human being" status!!
  10. I agree...when I read that quote I laughed out loud at work Watch out for the flying cups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Couldnt agree more there.
  12. WOW!!! I didnt know that!!!! Give yourself a Pat on the back and take the tag off of your new Tom Brady jersey!!!! Moron.
  13. Do i respect the Patriots? Yes absolutely. Do I despise them? Yes. Do I REALLY care if they win or lose? Not really. What satisifaction should a Bills fan get from seeing the Pats lose at this time??? NE has won 2 of the last 3 Super Bowls, we were EMBARASSED Sunday Night at NE....Buffalo hasnt EVEN made the playoffs since 1999....I care about the Bills getting BACK to being a playoff caliber team...honestly I do not give a stevestojan about the Patriots.
  14. If Holmes dosent play, I see a lower scoring game....but I dont have strong feelings about it either way
  15. and so is Artest. Even if he was a Knick, Id feel the same way.
  16. You know why I have soured on the NBA? Too much 1 on 1 play....WAY too physical.....shooting has become hoorendous....in part to more of an emphasis on defense...sometiimes these games are flat out UGLY... I love basketball, I was a Knicks Season Ticket holder (partial) at one time. THOSE are the reasons Im down on the NBA more then I ever was. Even the NHL, I love hockey, but the game has declined too IMO, so I dont have the same juice for it I once had.
  17. I agree ICE, and that is my motivation with that thought process. Look at the AFC people. Its way too tough to even dream of either making the playoffs or going to the Super Bowl at this moment. We ALL want to see the Bills win, but if a loss helps get J.P. in the lineup faster and helps him get valuable experience, then that is a positive to look at. for 2005 and beyond. Now if Buffalo were in the NFC, maybe the thought process would be a little different. The playoffs would be more realistic on the NFC.
  18. Again, in NO way am I rooting for the Bills to lose Again, in NO way am I rooting for the Bills to lose Again, in NO way am I rooting for the Bills to lose Again, in NO way am I rooting for the Bills to lose Again, in NO way am I rooting for the Bills to lose Make sure to read that part of the quote.
  19. Here in NJ, especially in my hometown, Turkey Eve is considered the biggest drinking night of the year
  20. Oh man you are right...and that water is oh so clean....I may go get a cup and go there and get a glass of wather from that wonderful waterfront
  21. Hey, you never know what can happen, but in all likelyhood the Bills will not make the playoffs this year, even if they run the table there are 3 teams fighting for 2 WC spots with 7 wins already, so if those all teams go a minimum of 3-3 the rest of the way, Buffalo would still lose tiebreakers because of conference losses and tiebreakers. Having said that, there are thoughts that J.P. Losman is going to start playing once the Bills lose their 7th game, and IF the coaches are thinking this way, is it better that the 7th loss happens this week versus later in the season? If the Bills get to 6-6, DB will still play and you know we will probably lose 1 of 4 road games, Bills have shown nothing to dispute that from happening. So is it better to see the 7th loss happen NOW so J.P. can get valuable time on the field which he can take into 2005????? Again, in NO way am I rooting for the Bills to lose, was just wondering if these thoughts have crossed anyone's minds.....
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