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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. 2001 Arizona 2002 Anaheim 2003 Florida 2004 Boston Red Sox...... Similar isnt it?
  2. God that game was painful. I never liked Harmon to begin with.....didnt Thurman have 14 receptions in that game????
  3. If you play games on PS2 or XBox (MLB 2004, NBA Live 2005 etc) thats about the only time Ive ever seen everyone having a fair chance in the sports world. Thus it is pure fantasy.
  4. Ok so then your argument also has another aspect to it...its the bad CHOICES the Mets have made too...hence, proving having a good organization that knows baseball first is still the most important component of building a winning franchise....so many Yankee haters think its ONLY money when it isnt...this $$$$ buying mode that King George is doing right now without building a good farm system WILL catch up with the Yankees. Bank on it.
  5. So under that theory the Mets and Yankees should be equal correct???? How come they arent?? Just because of the amount of people in the area?? Sure the helps I wont deny that, but thats not the only reason. Then the NY Islanders should be a powerhouse in the NHL too when it comes to money, and they arent. In any form of competition, there will be haves and have-nots, plain and simple. Would I like to see a better structre for salary control in baseball? Sure...but look at the NBA...how come some teams (Golden State, Clippers, Bucks, Atlanta Hawks just to name a few) are almost ALWAYS a joke under a salary cap structure??? What is their problem?? NO system is perfect...NONE (maybe the NFL, but the NFL cannot be compared to the other sports)
  6. Im not calling for a change in the system at all, Im just saying I cannot view this matcup as a playoff game..I cannot get past the fact we embarassed both teams and Matrz is a complete bafoon and the Hawks are paper tigers. Its just annoying thats all.
  7. How would you know this unleess you try?? Has there been a situation in Florida where this has been tried over a long period of time? No, and why? Because they are cheap. Again I ask the question: Did the Yankees just wake up one day with all this money or has it been built up over the years? Personally I know how some of you Yankees haters feel, that oh look at these Yankees fans they want everything...not the case with everyone...Id love to see a team like the Pirates step up to the plate and sign their own players and get into negogiations with other players....but go out and do it already, why cant they try? They have a beautiful park and a very very good sports town......but IMO part of the problems with some of these teams is their management. Look at the 94 Expos...Wettleand, Pedro and company...Wettleand said in an interview in 1995 that IF Expos management approached them and expressed an interest to say in Montreal, he Pedro, Walker and others would have at a DISCOUNTED rate...but Wettleand said...they NEVER approached us...they DIDNT CARE....and Im sure thats the case with some of these other teams.
  8. I would have voted for Fields over Brees.
  9. If I remember correctly too..Kitna has a habit of throwing a lot of INT's dosent he??? I say go with the kid and lets see what happens.
  10. That is their CHOICE....they were getting fans...they could have maintained their team and people would have went to see the Marlins. Therefore the team would make more money, eventually get better ratings (bigger local TV deal), and therefore their payroll would increase. You think the Yankees made this money overnight?
  11. This is a nice feature... You have chosen to ignore wwovince. View this post · Un-ignore wwovince But when someone quotes the ignored...you see it anyway....oh well Blue he is going for both reasons. But too bad he wont get the WS. And Clements your the goddamn moron!! Say all you want about massachusetts !@#$!! I dont give a damn. !@#$ing !@#$!! * I dont care about Massachsetts one bit, so since you are obviously starving for attention, look elsewhere.
  12. Classy post by a classless Red Sox fan (yes I know there are classless Yankees fans too) I like this ignore feature. See ya moron!
  13. It dosent bother me. Red Sox are WS Champs. I commend them. Oh, and what does 1982 mean to you?
  14. Which is why I would like to see an international draft put into place, where teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, Mets and Dodgers cannot go overseas and get these players before anyone else. Put a Hideki Matsui into a world wide draft so a team like Tampa Can draft him #1 overall, put a cap on how much rookies can get paid, and then those teams would get better. Then those teams would probably draw more fans. Then it is up to those teams to keep these players. There is no perfect system. This would help a little.
  15. And he still needs to call them the Chokees too...very sad.
  16. I thought it didnt matter. I thought the Cardinals were 'clearly superior" to the Yankees. Did payroll matter then?
  17. Drew Bledsoe, Rian Lindell, and Coy Wire: http://www.theamericanoutdoorsman.com/usr_images/air32.jpg 195570[/snapback] One of the funniest posts in awhile!!!!
  18. Ill take that title too if what you said is the criteria.
  19. Oh I agree that we have to savor the moments we have to watch football...but of all the games this weekend...this is the one I will tune out...just hard for me to fathom both of those teams are playing, Buffalo embarassed both of them and the Bills are home. Just too annoying.
  20. Its bothering the living stevestojan out of me....I cannot even bring myself to think about this game as a "playoff" matchup given the fact the Bills completely destroyed both teams...and Mike Fartz is in the playoffs...sometimes life just isnt fair!!! Who cares who wins? They both stink. Im not watching a SECOND of their regular season game posing as a playoff matchup.
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