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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. If you think Kirby Puckett should automatically be there and you think that line is laughable, then the joke is on you too.
  2. Sure Giambi was a bad signing...ok is that what you want??? Why do you need the satisifaction of hearing a YANKEE fan acknowledge a bad signing when this thread is about the METS??? Nobody seems to want to answer that question: WHY must the Yankees be mentioned in this thread at ALL??!?!?!?
  3. Glavine dosent count? Please Met$ fan$...$top trying to think your team is a small market and dont look for $ympahty...there is no more of this Fred Coupon talk anymore....those days are OVER...I hope the Met$$$$$$$$ get Delgado too....
  4. Eat your heart out Yankees fans?? Good part of town!?!?!? Why must a Mets fan or any other fan point out the Yankees when they make a great signing? What do the Yankees have to do with it? When the Yankees signed Carl Pavano, did you see any "Eat this Mets Fans"? No...because 1. Who Cares and 2. It has NOTHING to do with the Met$ Its sad really....really sad.
  5. That would be zero, unfotunately.
  6. Listen to some of the Mets fans that call WFAN 660 in NYC..they almost WANT to think their team is a small market, they call their owner Fred "Coupon"...its almost comical, in fact, it is comical... Heres a memo Sal from West Islip: The Mets arent a small market.
  7. You must be smoking your avatar if you would even consider that kind of deal.
  8. Im a Yankee fans and this is a GREAT signing for the Mets. So again, why do Yankess fans HAVE to be mentioned? Enjoy the great moment for the METS and stop worrying about the Yankees. Its so $ad to see other fans ob$e$$ about the Yankees.
  9. But those are the reasons E$PN love him. Arrogant...attitude and angry...thats E$PN's "mi$$ion statement"
  10. What a way to end the week!!! Good stuff stoj and BF!!!
  11. if so, is that eligible for the Guiness Book Of World Records?
  12. Ruben is still haunting the Bills!!!
  13. Bills would have won the Jags game with Willis. 10-6
  14. I agree 100 percent. Beacuse for people like you and me, that baseball CAN be a valid claim to be used to send our kids through college. Major League players, stars or not, arent struggling, unless they pi$$ the money away.
  15. I think its cool to see the old gloves, bats, ticket stubs, uniforms etc at the Baseball HOF...if the HOF was just stories, who would really want to go to the HOF?
  16. That is part of it yes...but the fact that the Bills had to go with this kind of gameplan to cover up DB's deficinies is an issue too...they know DB cannot escape a pocket and make a play on the run...therefore they must run plays quicker.
  17. wow thats a HUGE cap hit!!! Think the Bills may be able to get him, do the Bills have a good amt of cap space??
  18. Im sure somehow they will blame Steinbrenner for this!!
  19. That is correct...I think the Bills won that game 27-17 or something like that..that win clinched HFA for the Bills with 1 week to go in 1990
  20. Ok maybe poor is a little strong, Ill say they are sub-par.
  21. Yes The Bills did....but still, i dont care if the score is 100-0 or 7-6....if you attempt 27-32 throws and you cannot even break 200, those are poor games... There are othter examples too...Im not a huge numbers guy but to me its CLEAR to see there is a problem.
  22. Stojan really broke everything down nicely...and I also agree...anyone who WANTS Bledose as the QB is nuts, really....cmon hes done everyone!! Its not even just about the passing yards (under 3000), a Bledsoe supporter would argue that since the Bills had their share of blowouts, that would keep his yards down...but look at the ATTEMPTS along with the production in a couple of the blowouts: Cleveland: 12/27 for 100 yards...27 attempts!!! at San Francisco: 21/32 for 172....32 attempts, STILL under 200 yards!!! I can see if Drew only had 12-15 attempts in those games...but the numbers clearly show its time to move on.
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