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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. If the Braves pull off that deal for Teixeria...JS should win exec of the year now...Teixeria is going to be a superstar. If any team can turn around Mondesi's fortunes...its the Braves.
  2. NFL Mock Draft
  3. What player DOSENT do that these days??? NC has a very consistent year, aside from late in the game against the Jags, he was vital to the success of the Bills defense.
  4. Question: Is Minnesota FAVORED??? "experts"
  5. I like Mike and the MadDog in NYC are millionares....like 1-2 Million per year
  6. My advice for you: Move on You are the F word to her (Friend)...there are a lot of women like that unfortunately, you notice how bad people usually seem to have a lover? Theres a reason for that, a lot of women (and men too) LOVE the challenge, or to chase, its almost like a drug to some Just move on. For a long time I didnt think I was gonna settle down and get married and then we met. It came out of nowhere, so dont force it, be yourself and hopefully someday Mrs right will come along who will appreciate being treated well.
  7. I feel your pain...I am in the IT world as well and we are about to lose our jobs in 6-12 months....one of the hot rumors here is that our jobs will be outsourced to India as well...and it pi$$e$ me off too....so Im in the process of changing my career altogether, because it is NOT going to get better.
  8. I agree....excellent work BTW....love the design...definately send it in for them to take a look at!!!
  9. I guess the old Billy Joel song applies a lot unfortunately
  10. Amen to that. This is a scumbag vs scumbag case
  11. Why? Bledsoe tearing things up of late? Or are you still suck in the 1st half of 2002???
  12. That right there shows that their proposal is nothing but $elf $erving propoganda to bring back their beloved Whalers....I wouldnt mind seeing the Whale back, I liked Hartford...but what evidence shows that Buffalo SHOULDNT be in the NHL besides an owner who was a POS and a flat out crook??? NY Islanders attendence figures for the most part over the last several years are AWFUL, they arent popular in NY and they had a crook owner, how come they are still around??? Why not them?? (I didnt see it, but I bet they are still part of their "plan" Attendence figures for the Sabres, with the ecxception of the year of the bankrupcy, are very solid....the numbers dont lie. ESPN can kiss my ass.
  13. But they want to get rid of Buffalo and keep teams like Atlanta I bet right?? Didnt Atlanta LOSE a team at one time?? If this is true, I have no use for their 'proposal'...next! They and beyotches like Sherry Ross from the NY Daily News JUST dont want to go to Buffalo thats all. Screw them all.
  14. ESPN knows something about the NHL? Nah, not enough punks in the NHL.
  15. Maybe that place can be in Buffalo!!!!!!
  16. I could see that.
  17. Oh absolutely...I not trying to say Polian isnt a great GM....but all 3 situations were similar...lets be honest, IMO it is easier to take over a team that has nowhere to go but up then a team that has been at the top for a few years and maintain the high level of play.
  18. Maybe the Bills could look into his backup, Mike McMahon, as a possible #2 or #3 QB....thoughts?
  19. I think Bill is one of the top GM's in the league NO question about it....but the 3 teams he has been with (Buffalo, Carolina and the Colts) ALL were at rock bottom when he started, there was nowhere to go but up....still though, Im not saying he isnt a fantastic GM, but dont lose sight of that fact either.
  20. Ill test this ignore feature on you!!!
  21. I think its a combo of all the factors in this order: 1. QB play 2. Offensive Coordinators (primarily KG) 3. Moulds injury, dropped balls Maybe Moulds isnt as great as some think, but I have to think he is better then their rankings indicate.
  22. If the NFL wanted certian matchps...it would have been Philly and not Carolina last year. Philly is a bigger market...McNabb one of the leagues biggest stars...so your theory to me is stevestojan.
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