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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Here is a link just in case Jersey
  2. Its almost good $ wise to be so talentless that it actually entertains people. $ad.
  3. Goota go with Fried Bologna!!!
  4. Seems the Eagles get at leat 1 injury a year in Jan...unreal
  5. Big loss for the Eagles. Reid: Lewis' season over Philly.com Staff Report NFC Championship game hero Chad Lewis will be a spectator at Super Bowl XXXIX. The Eagles' tight end broke his foot on his second touchdown catch of yesterday's game, coach Andy Reid said at his Monday press conference, and is done for the season. Mike Bartrum becomes the second string tight end, but Reid said the team would be looking to see if it can sign another one. Also on the inbjur front, Reid was uncertain on the status of Terrell Owens. "It's still up in the air with T.O.," Reid said. "We'll let you know when we have an idea. He still needs to be tested by Rick [burkholder, the team trainer]. He hasn't run yet, though he was jumping around a lot [on the sidelines Sunday]." Redi said Owens was confident he would be back, but there was significant hurdles to be cleared. Reid credited the players, coordinators and the fans. "That was a loud, initimidating atmosphere and they kept it up for four quarters," Reid said. "That was amazing." Reid said he was glad to have two weeks before the Super Bowl, and looked forward to playing the Patriots, 41-27 winners Sunday night. It'll be a challenge," he said. "They are the best and have been the best for the last few years. You wouldn't want it any other way."
  6. And how DARE BB give up on Antowain Smith!!! He was a legend!!!
  7. Dont tell the media that. That may spoil their Pats lovefe$t
  8. Bradshaw asked Reid if Owens will play and Reid said yes...take that for what its worth
  9. Bob the knob!!! classic! I cannot stop laughing!!!!! Great post as always LA!!
  10. I think you could make a strong argument for this NFL math equation now: Belicheck > Parcells
  11. Heres a link about Philadelphia food: Philly
  12. All Im really trying to say is some here talk about how this NFL system is so perfect and its almost "holier then thou" when it fact you will STILL have teams that dominate, still have some teams that will get to the Final 4 or the SB for a long stretch of time...sure other teams can squeak through here and there, and Im not trying to say it happens less in the NFL then it does in MLB, it dosent I know that, and baseball needs to fix things Ill grant you that.
  13. I really cannot understand how any self respecting Bills fan can root for New England....Im sorry but I just cannot see any scenario where I would root for the Pats.
  14. Your points are good and I agree, give credit to coaching, personnell, management etc...so again, it proves that sports and winning are not ALL about money, like some think it is
  15. I watched it last night, very good episode...I like the twist at the end with the lesbian client...how they were working together all along...good show
  16. I agree... But I thought it was ALWAYS about $....like in baseball???? Could it have something to do with well-managed teams and not all about $? Nah...
  17. New England has now been to 3 of the last 4 Super Bowls. Philadelphia made the Final 4 three times and now in this year's Super Bowl. Some of the SAME teams are getting this far. (And I stress SOME) I thought this wasnt supposed to happen in the NFL??? I thought the cap was a PERFECT system to rid of seeing the same teams over a 3-4 year period... Intere$ting....
  18. Bettman and the players union have all this damn time in the world to get together to settles their labor disputes and they take their sweet old time...the Crease Rule was changed 48 hrs after "No Goal"...gee, never saw Bettman move so fast, I wonder why?!?!!? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Bettman, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Good-for-nothing-eaw, and :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Players too
  19. Upset? The way people talk about the Eagles and the Vick lovefe$t...it would be an upset if Philly wins.
  20. Be on a sports radio station, an example is to be MadDog on WFAN660 in NYC.
  21. Typical Yahoo...they wont ever say anything nice about a Republican... Im a independent BTW, so hold your breath
  22. A. If he had missed a SB winning kick for a media darling team like Dallas, San Francisco, New York, Green Bay etc.? B. The media didnt like making fun of Buffalo so much (a city and area that I love) Sometimes I am just sick and tired of hearing people bring up Norwood the way they do, the dude was a very good kicker, and so many like to joke about him, it downright aggrevates me....when the Pats win a SB, its a team game, but single out Norwood for the SB loss...Im tired of the double-standard with some people. Thoughts?
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