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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. I agree, and since there isnt another option out there via FA that would make sense to sign to win NOW, (AKA, a huge upgrade from Bledsoe), there is nowhere to go but to play the kid and see what happens.
  2. God I miss those days.
  3. And imagine The Stadium Wall's reaction as each and every year, Walter Jones dosent show up till Week 4 of the Pre-Season, it will make the criticisms regarding Big Mike seem like small potatoes
  4. Man I did say Trojan Just couldnt resist
  5. What happened to Version 1.0? Spyware attack it? Trojan Virus?
  6. Just talking about all these memories of the Aud and Jennerant has me finally missing hockey for the first time. Dammit Bettman and dammit Players Union :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  7. I agree. Someone up ther edosent want us to win. God allowed him to throw the ball FORWARD and get away with it.
  8. You make a valid point, can the Bills improve from 9-7 with Drew? I think so, but the burning question is: How much can they improve and what are your expectations of this team for 2005? There are just so many examples from the past few years where Drew does NOT get it done, especially in road games and against good defenses. Sure the Bills won a few games on the road this past year with Drew under the helm, but not against very good defenses (Miami being the possible lone exception) At this point, Im just ready to see what J.P can do now.
  9. You are right. That improvement is astounding. What those 8 yards must have done. Im sure it helped Rian Lindell miss a 30 yarder instead of a 38 yarder. Im sold, bring back the statue!!!
  10. What Quarterbacks DONT sit from time to time? Forget the numbers, look at his play, and you know what, some of the points you bring up are valid, im not gonna say EVERYTHING you say isnt valid, because thats not true. Did Drew play better in 04 then in 03? Yes, but did the ENTIRE TEAM, Especially special teams and the defnese creating SO many more turnovers play better? Oh yeah!!! To me its so clear as day when you watch Drew play against some of the better defenses in the league, the Bills have to scale down (aka, be more conserative) when playing better defenses BECAUSE of Drew's inability to handle a pass rush. Look at the Steelers game, the Bills almost exclusively went 2 RB 3 WR shotgun formations the entire game, that is the most conserative Shotgun formation there is. You wonder why receivers couldnt get open? Because the Bills are so worried about protecting Drew, so receivers cannot get open + Drew holding the ball too long in the pocket = Drew sack and sometimes fumble = Loss to 4th stringers, out of the playoffs. Drew, he had his moments, but now its time to move on.
  11. Please tell me you arent serious with this one.
  12. Dammit! Man I missed that!!! Now time to think of another sig
  13. Boy, I guess the first 8 games in 2002 STILL stick in people's minds!!!! Am I missing something here with Drew's play the last 2+ years, especially against teams with AT LEAST a solid defense? Someone enlighten me, please!!! Just give me something about DREW's play, not the teams so much, to make a case for him to contonue to start and be satisified with 8-9 win seasons..
  14. I agree that a few here will say that....but as for me, Im willing to be patient and see what he can do.
  15. I agree...I loved going to games at the old Aud....smaller arena....more on top of the action...louder....now these arenas are so generic and larger, it drains the crowd noise.
  16. Another jennerant classics: J.P. Dumont would score....."J.P stands for Just Perfect!" I believe Pat Lafontaine scored a goal around the Christmas season and he went "falalalalallafonatine!!!"" Phil Housley: "Wowieee Housley" Jennerant is a LEGEND in my book, and even my friends here in NJ that arent Sabres fans feel the same way.
  17. Can Kendra play OLB??
  18. Here IMO are the 3 most pressing needs for the Bills: 1. LG 2. LB- Posey has to go, or at least be a backup 3. CB-To me, you can never have enough good corners. Honorable mentions: K and TE (Could even make kicker 1a) Im all for the Bills making their defense even stronger, especially when you consider the conference the Bills are in and the conditions the Bills play in when the games mean the most.
  19. I couldnt have said it better Steve...one thing though is BOTH the players and owners are at fault here....and for so many reasons...players are being stubborn, Bettman has also made his share of mistakes (overexpansion, especially into weak hockey markets, rule changes that have hurt the game) The NHL is a me$$. At this point, just shut the damn season down already, get in the rooms, hammer out a deal that makes sense, and also change some rules for the benefit of the game.
  20. To me its pretty simple: We all know the ceiling on Bledsoe...and the faults he has...no need to repeat. Another big key is there really isnt a QB available via FA that can be enough of an upgrade to justify NOT starting Losman and trying to win NOW. If there was that kind of QB avail, then maybe I would say lets go that direction. Losman will make his share of mistakes, but so did Bledsoe. The time is now.
  21. I think the Eagles are the 3rd best team in the NFL. Wildcard at best?
  22. Id pass. Shipping and handling wouldnt be worth it.
  23. Should we throw in Spikes too?
  24. Pregnancy Woman 'carrying 50-year-old foetus' 11:28am 24th January 2005 A 75-year-old woman hospitalised with abdominal pain was found to be carrying a foetus that was at least 50 years old, doctors said. Dinh Thi Thu was shocked when Vietnamese doctors told her she was carrying the foetus, according to Nguyen Ngoc Tai, the director of the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Hospital in Quang Binh province. "She said she noticed the growth in her belly 50 years ago. At that time, she sometimes felt some movement in her abdomen, but gradually she just forgot about it and found no problem with it," Dr Tai said. Tai said the foetus appeared to be the result of an ectopic pregnancy. As it was outside her womb it had not interfered with the mother-of-three's ability to bear children, the doctor said. Scans revealed the skull, backbone, ribs and limbs to be the size of a normal eight-month-old foetus.
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