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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. You are probably right, my thinking is proabably distored due to too much caffiene LOL
  2. Bumping this, just thinking about this so called hockey league... Any of you think because there has been nothing new reported in the past 2-3 days that something is FINALLY getting done to resolve this mess???
  3. You are making it seem that anti-Bledsoeologists like myself think that the ONLY team Drew cannot beat is NE....and you know what you are right, even with Losman right now or another QB, the Bills probably would not win the Super Bowl, but i do believe the Bills can take a step to the playoffs with another QB, and ALSO have hope in the future...we all know Drew's limitations, there is a ceiling. How did Drew do against other top defenses or even good defenses in the last 3 years? Pitt? Forget it. Baltimore? Ditto. Philly? Loss at home. Its time to move on.
  4. Bubba Franks Stats Bubba is considered a good blocking TE too...and he has only fumbled the blal once in 5 seasons...very good in the red zone too....He would really help the Bills at the TE position. I also read somewhere where Bubba felt he was not being used enough in the Packers offense recently. Im almost sure he is a UFA too. Sorry if this was posted before. Thoughts?
  5. Absolutely. Over/Under on when we see Hollywood Donahue post: 4 1/2 hours Any takers???
  6. Why not? You never saw obnoxious Bills fans at the Ralph?
  7. No reason to flame away at you at all, I give you props for eating a little crow...I think that shows class IMO.
  8. So Donovan, are you saying that its ok that you beat the oddsmakers and had a shot to win? Its almost like he is ok with that, as long as everyone "was on the edge of their seats" its ok??? Or am I reading too much into it?
  9. They will be much better then last year thats for sure
  10. As a longtime Yankees fan, I am not thrilled with the direction the team is going, they are getting more expensive and older, but Im not so sure they are getting better. Randy Johnson if healthy is dominant, but at his age, pitchers can lose it in the blink of an eye, and the Yankees just refuse to build up their farm system and keep their players, and IMO eventually that will bite Steinbrenner in the ass. Also the lineup needs more balance, too many free swingers and guys that arent fundamentally sound on the basepaths, and their defense isnt what it used to be either. Plus they brought in two pitchers from the National League over to the Americam League, which is usually not a recipe for success (rememeber Terry Mulholland Yankees fans?!) As for the Red Sox, they will miss Pedro no matter how you slice it. The real wildcard of the Red Sox pitching staff will be Wade Miller, who has a LOT of talent and if he is right and adjusts to the AL, could be a force to be recokned with. And I still cannot figure out how the Cardinals could let Edgar Renteria go, still befuddles me.
  11. No! No!!! We cannot love T.O...we must swallow the Pats and talk about T.O and how much of a punk he is!!!! BTW, who the poster who talked about how much TO chokes in big games? Bueller?
  12. The Jets won a Super Bowl? It was more like the Colts lost it, or if you believe in Bubba Smith, who played for the Colts in that SB, believes it was fixed, and thinking about it more, I wouldnt be THAT suprised (back then I think games could have been rigged,not nowadays with all the $ players get, plus the league wanted the AFL/NFL merger for $, what a better way to get that to happen then have a heartthrob QB from New York guarantee a victory) Bubba Smith This is not the first time something fishy has happened at a Super Bowl. To this day, Bubba Smith claims that Super Bowl III was fixed. When he gets on a sports show and details this, he is seldom invited back. When I once heard Smith go on and on about Super Bowl III, somewhat hinting that Florida gambling interests were involved, I expected something in the next day's newspapers. Zilch. Smith is just perceived as a crackpot, I suppose.
  13. Red Sox are the Champions and you still feel the need to bring the Yankees into the equation...classic THAT in itself makes me feel good...and shows just how funny it is to see Red Sox fans obsess over the Yankees.
  14. I didnt watch it but it seems a few Bills 'fans' here probably taped it and got all giddy over Belichek
  15. What in the world does that do for the Bills and their fans??? If I see an Eagles fan Ill say "Well Im a Bills fan, let me flex my "Im the the AFC East with the SB Champs" muscles" YEAH!!!! With all due respect Im sorry, I just do not understand that logic, NE is a great team no QUESTION, but my goodness I HATE THEM AND THINK ABOUT THE PATS TROLLS TOO!!! Unreal.
  16. Go buy a Dillon jersey too while you are at it!!
  17. Someone please send me a PM once the Pats lovefest stops... Again, and Im sorry, any Bills fan who was rooting for the Pats...I really have to question you...really....AFC pom-poms? Rooting for the division? Please...that is so weak I cannot even describe it... If you are from Philly and you have to deal with their fans EVERYDAY and if they abuse you about the Bills, then maybe its understandable..other then that, forget it. Carry on.
  18. Yes, The Sabres run circles around the Maple Leafs money wise right? (Sarcasm off)
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