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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Happy Birthday Mike!!!
  2. Madden Rating and the game itself=RJ College Football 06!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. It was near an end before when that bozo from E$PN EJ Hradek proclaimed it was over trying to do a typical E$PN move:"Look at me, I was the first one to break the story!" and poof, it wasnt true and he looked like a fool and of course E$PN only takes responsbility for the stories they get right, granted E$PN got there info from another source, but still.... Bottom line is, until its official, this is all fluff...another story will come out that it is inching closer again, just get the damn thing done already
  4. Been a Bills fan since 1982 (My father lived in WNY area for 25+years and have had other family members there), I usually make it to 1 game every year here from NJ...Ill be attending the home opener on 9/11, Im counting down the days
  5. Solid? They SHOULD win 13 easy. They all bitched about hackett this and hackett that...now they have the greatest OC alive and the best kicker, perhaps ever. No more excuses from obnixious Jets fans. I expect to see them in the Super Bowl. Otherwise, they will never hear the end of it.
  6. I will never have one ounce of pity for the Jets franchise, and especially the fans of the Jets
  7. I was waiting for that!
  8. I just hope it wasnt from the source that saw George Seifert at Buffalo Airport
  9. Maybe Willis, Ron Artest, and a giant Plastic Cup can go on tour this summer
  10. My prayers are with you #89
  11. AJ os beating KK is a normal thing online unfortunately, as you will always have a lot of players out there who will have their fresh bait out looking to reel in cards so they can think they are like a "pro" What site was this on?
  12. Lets face facts. E$PN does not cater to a lot of the kinds of fans who are on this board. You know, the fans where the actual games are the show, not what happens off the field, not what Jay Mariotti says. And I agree, that Around the Horn show gives me a headache after 5 minutes and is a complete waste. I bet a lot of the fans E$PN caters to considers Sportscenter to be the ultimate source of sports coverage. To me that show is a bunch of garbage, a show about who can come up with the best line vs reporting about the actual sporting event. Its a joke.
  13. Oh nice! Didnt know that...many thanks to Jay andRich from CNJBB for doing this for us
  14. I think its more accurate to say that teams like Washington will be more succesful in the future when the cap grows at a much higher rate
  15. I hate to say it, but I agree with this assessment.
  16. Carrie is "hot", she was NEVER in trouble because she picked safe easy songs vocally to sing. She played the game correctly, and just show enough skin to reel in more votes. Well done People, just watch for the cute girl from a small town next year and you can just watch her in the Final and save yourselves 12 weeks.
  17. IVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS GUY!!!!! But I DID hear of Kyle Turley!!! E$PN glorified him for his actions!!! SIGN HIM TD!!! BILLS ARE SO DOOMED!!!
  18. I think Rice is too tall to get TD's attention
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