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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Thanks for clearing that up, good point about there being more tournaments now, hadnt thought about it from that angle
  2. My vote is in for Andre... Jeez, this map reminds me of the election
  3. Is HB Direct almost impossible to stop? I use it here and there with the Gators, and it seems to work very well.
  4. Just a general question about Jack vs Tiger: Was Jack able to "take the small tourneys off" meaning Tiger getting rest for the major championships? I plead ignorace when it comes to Jack's overall career, did Jack skip tourneys to rest for the majors?
  5. Well I have to say I have been playing more of the game today and Im warming up to it abit, noticing better things about the game here and there. So what team do you all use? Even though Im a PSU fan first, I like using the Florida Gators.
  6. Roy is going to be a very good player for a long long time.
  7. Ding! We have a winner!!
  8. If the Sabres dont get the top pick, then we can just blame TD in the Son of Satan thread!
  9. Even though I am a big Sabres fan, to me this who lotto system is stupid....how can anyone justify perennial playoff teams should get a crack at the #1 overal pick....shoot I dont even think the Sabres should have one of the best chances to get the pick.
  10. I just dont see many differences anymore. Graphics IMO are about the same, gameplay is similar, and IMO the screens are harder to read this year...to me the game has "hit the wall" on the PS2 level.
  11. I have to say I bought the game and Im a bit disappointed overall
  12. Ive HEARD of a 3rd round Draft Pick!!!
  13. One thing about Tim Connolly: If the Sabres really want him to produce the numbers that were expected of him, maybe playing him as the C on one of the top 2 scoring lines would be a good start. How many 3rd line and 4th line centers, in todays NHL, do you know that can rack up 70, 80 points a season?
  14. NICE!!!! Ill be picking up my copy tomorrow.....I wish you had it for PS2, or do you? I remember you mentioned you have XBox before... If anyone ever wants to play a game online down the road, let me know. Im not gonna be a good player, but Ill play
  15. This cant be right, EVERYTHING here in the USA sucks now, Bush is wrong on ALL levels...we are ALL DOOMED!!!! FLEE TO CANADA AT ONCE!!
  16. Olympics? What are the Olympics?
  17. Totally agree....think about it this way Sabres fans....with the 24% rollback and the cap, the Sabres in 2005-2006 might just change inot a team that BUYS insteads of SELLS...how about that? Teams like the Leaf$, who seem more determined to get older and give their fans more excuses to whine and cry, are gonna have to $hed some money, as well as other teams. FYI about the Rangers: There payroll isnt that high anymore, heck, even the Devil$ have a higher payroll then the New York Rangers!! About the league "fixing" the draft: I doubt that will happen. If the Rangers get him, they will get him fair and square. My feeling: As long as he dosent go to Boston, Toronto, Montreal or the Flyer$, Ill be ok wherever he goes.
  18. Oh my, I have the news on now....very scary situation..I hope everything is ok with you Nick and anyone you know there... this has to be a coordinated attack unfortunately
  19. Just sad to see that someone who likes another team come on another teams message board to get their jolleys off labasting into a team they dont like...hey whatever gets one off I guess. Newsflash to that Pats fan: You won 3 SB's, ok we know already. pats are better, good for you, now shut the f up already and post something without so much damn hate. Not referring to you with that comment BTW Hollywood.
  20. And they let you register why????
  21. TD sent Randy Johnson to the Yankees
  22. Wasnt this thread about baseball and the Cards? I read the last few pages and I see hardly a mention about it (im just reading this thread for the 1st time) Can someone give me a condensed version of what this thread is now all about?
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