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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Even if the Bills won today, would it matter? Bruschi is coming back....he will be knighted like T said... "The Belichek 4th quarter flag" will be FLYING...ANYTING good the Bills would do would be called back....20+ penalties would be about right.... The Brady Lovefest would be in full force....as Joe T wears a Brady mask for Halloween. Ill pass on that game and get other things done.
  2. How to beat the Bills: Feed the team cheeseburgers before the game so they feel like "hey, we ate the magical cheesburgers, we are sure to win!"
  3. Dotn forget to mention the mastermind of all this crap...TD
  4. Its sad. Really sad. Whats next, bottom out, draft leinart, have Teflon Tom promise us the world again in 2-3 years to extend his stay?
  5. Can JP stop Lamont Jordan on a 3rd and long and not give up 17 yards? Can he teach guys like Clements to walk his talk?? The defense is BELOW AVERAGE and OVERHYPED.
  6. Its time for Tom Donahue to be shown the door folks. Sure business wise he has helped the team, and yes, he injected some enthusiasm back into the Bills when they were at their lowest point in 2001, but it is clear as DAY that his philosophies on building a winner are not going to work here. Period. This is a team that cannot come up with big plays in games on the road against a team that is decent or better OVER AND OVER again!! That is not just coincidence in my eyes. And it goes beyond even the players on the field and the coaching staff. You have to start with the GM in this case. He hires coaches that he is able to control. His personnel decisions are questionable, the way to win the NFL is to start on the offensive and defensive lines and work your way out from there. Sure he made some real good moves (TKO, Sam Adams etc). But winning teams start in the trenches. How come he cannot realize this by now? Skimp on the OL and try to bring in retreads and build a dominant OL. Sure that will work, so many teams do that right?
  7. Do we even care anymore??? Drew WAS a Bill....hes out of here.... Shall we focus on this dreadful team in Buffalo???
  8. What is funny about all this, Id rather draft Brady Quinn over Matt Leinart.
  9. Bingo. Those 2 are a perfect example of that some people just A. Get lucky or B. Know the right people to get the good jobs....they are no better then so many people I know. Right place, right time.
  10. Lindell=Christie??? Who would have thought? That was a huge FG....breaks the sting of the jets getting within 4
  11. Man R.Rich I couldnt agree more about Robinson...here's hoping he improves that accuracy to make this offense a big time offense... What REALLY killed PSU today on the last drive IMO was the kickoff return...you CANNOT allow the other team to get to midfield on the kickoff...that set the stage for the heartbreaking loss.
  12. That was a painful loss today.
  13. I was at the MNF game in 1992 at the Meadowlands against the Jets when Browning Nagle and the Jets had a lead late and Kelly marched the team right down the field with under 2:00 minutes to go for the winning TD...and as I walked out of the stadium going beserk...I got pelted with pretzels, ice, and even a cup!!!
  14. Boomer also thinks people truly love watching him on the air too. Althought I have to say it took guts the way he called out Marino with Dan basically right next to him
  15. Are the Bills a playoff team? I doubt it...but hey, if they win this week...3-3 and 3-0 in the CONFERENCE....still a chance.... Would I root for the Bills to lose games for a better pick? No so much "root" but ONLY if the Bills were elimated at lets say, 4-9, I wouldnt mind if they then lost the last 3 to get a better pick, but I wouldnt openly ROOT for that to happen if you catch my drift.
  16. I expect a losss unfortunately, but thats not a bad thing....3 games in 4 nights for the Sabres...I expect the Sabres to look a bit tired tonight....but still even if the Sabres lose, I like what I see so far.
  17. Well here is an update: Surgery was a success, Mom was in ICU a little longer then expected, because her blood pressure after the surgery was low....other then the 4 hour delay for the surgery, everything went ok.... Now, Im off to the ER yet again for my wife...she has very bad pains by her gall bladder...when it rains it pours sometimes... Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and well wishes, it means a lot.
  18. Fellow Bills fans: I am going to the hospital soon, my Mom was diagonsed with colon cancer, luckily, the cancer is contained from what the doctors say, so today is the surgery. Just requesting prayers for my Mom's recovery and any other members of TBD or their family members, I pray for you as well.
  19. Then TD offered TH a girl to console TH, and TH thought she was 18..oops, she wasnt!!!
  20. ABSOLUTELY not!
  21. Wait, dont you think Teppo is going to score 50 pts and lead the Sabres to the promised land...Regier did also land Bob Corkum for the stretch run, we have to trust Darcy, right?!?!
  22. Very true Rockpile....what I really meant to say was that I am getting to the point of thinking it might be best to see the Bills implode to get TD outta town....havent gotten completely there yet....but Im closer to that thought then I ever wanted to be.
  23. I agree T, but right now my consicence has gone to S__t!!!
  24. I guess that is commforting!
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