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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Love this draft and we had very similar results as I did a 3 round mock. If we really want to see Josh Allen take this to the next level, a guy like Hockenson at 9 to me is a no brainer. Get Josh Allen a Kelce like TE for 10 years and take the offense next level:
  2. This is why TJ Hockenson is the pick at 9. Reach smeach, he would be a TRUE difference maker at the TE position for years to come
  3. Heard of him. He played for McDermott. Beane didn't get him. Oh the horror. Fire Beane.
  4. Bottom line: Sorry to say there will be some FA's that will not want to play in a city like Buffalo. Even winning might not change this. Honestly, if I am 25 and in perfect shape and can go out and have fun with nightlife, have lots of money, some other NFL markets are more attractive. Not much will change this. And this is OK! However, there are players that would like to come here. Plenty available. And regardless, if you don't' win at the NFL draft consistently, FA does not matter all that much. Win the draft most years, players will stay, more players, not all, will start coming. The end.
  5. Mike Rodak is giddy with this news. He is absolutely on Cloud 9.
  6. Fake news. If the FA player does not have an injury history, Beane isn't interested.
  7. The insatiable desires and yearnings for ESPN validation from some of our fanbase absolutely baffles me.
  8. Sounds like ESPN might be pissed that Buffalo has an answer at QB so let's redo it and give Buffalo the spoiled brat from SoCal and help the Jets out. Poor ESPN.
  9. Kent Hull - Anchor the OL as Center is a very valuable position and major need for this team.
  10. This is something I would not wish on even my worst enemy. Always breaks my heart to hear these stories.
  11. Donate to social justice now a days = Anti Trump. This and many other comments are all code words for their distaste of Trump.
  12. That's it: Time for Beane to blow up this roster and coaching staff: Only hire coaches with Buffalo ties. Reich make him an offer he can't refuse: Hands the reigns to Chad Kelly to be the field general and sign Gronk and bring in or back every WNY native, relative, former lover, anyone with Buffalo roots ONLY and we can then all sing kumbaya around a fire at the tailgates and go 4-12 but hey at least its Buffalo roots!
  13. Notice Bills fans on twitter mocking the Bears kicker: Any Bills fan making fun of the kicker missing that kick should really sit back and analyze one self: We have been there before at a much higher level. Ill never laugh at that situation.
  14. Yes, if the price is right. AJ Green would offer experience not only for Josh Allen, but say another WR that is drafted in 2019. He can really be a help for guys like Foster and Jones in their development. Borderline HOF receiver already. He wont hit 98 receptions again, but even if he can get to 60 and 6 TD"s and just make things easier where teams don't just load up the box against the run, its a plus. Make it happen Beane.
  15. Love that Kyle Williams is retiring on his own, most athletes do not get that option to decide when they are leaving the game. And Kyle is doing it in style, right at home in Buffalo. As well as we all know our fellow Buffalo Bills family, I know for sure Bills fans will send him off tremendously. Kyle Williams will be on the Bills Wall Of Fame and will be a legend in Buffalo sports lore for many many years to come Thank you Kyle!
  16. Goodell routinely intervenes. Case in point Colts deal with Jets. Buffalo has to build a new stadium to prevent his meddling.
  17. Sad to say because of the teams in the middle of the Top 10 in the NFL Draft, coupled with the fact the commish won't make it easy for Buffalo to move ahead of some teams in the draft, have to root for a L.
  18. Just read this and realized we had the same point in the beginning. Great post
  19. To me, once a franchise believes they have found a QB to build with for the future, tanking is not as important. If you don't think what you saw from Josh Allen yesterday and the reactions of the players and coaches are important to build a winning team and culture for this team, then you need to look closer. What is important going forward is not where the Bills are picking, it is who they are picking. Beane was ultimately going to be judged on two events: 1. What QB he selects to be 'the guy' 2. The 2019 offseason with oodles of cap space and picks. #2 on the way.
  20. The Bills are not the Lions. The Bills have actually made Super Bowls. The team to me that most resembles Buffalo is the Minnesota Vikings. Both franchises lost 4 SB's and have had heartbreak in the playoffs and the regular season far too often
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