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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Thanks for the well wishes for the Sabres Well its like this, there are a lot of Bills fans here who hail from the NYC area who like the Yankees and the Yankees fans get ripped to shreads. Same goes for the Mets. It kind of goes with the territory. My issues with some, and not all Toronto fans, is this feeling of "we are so much better then you, you Buffalo fans are second class". Sure there are some Sabres or Bills fans who arent the sharpest tools in the shed, but I cannot stand it when Buffalo fans are all grouped together with one label. And believe me Ive met my share of trashy Leafs fans over the years too, as well as very good fans, as you seem to be one of those good fans. And Toronto fans love to point out about how the Sabres have not won the Stanley Cup. Sabres have been in existance since 1970. The Stanley Cup score is 0-0 between the Sabres at the Leafs. 1967, the Sabres werent even in EXISTANCE. So how is that relevant to comparing the Sabres to the Leafs?
  2. He kind of reminds me of Frankenstein
  3. Draconator, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife Julie
  4. What if YOU were the one who watched it live and wanted to talk about it???? If you started a thread, hey, thats great if you ask me What about the LOST threads...Im waiting to get the DVD's....I want to watch the show from Day 1....so guess what, I DECIDE not to open those threads, period. I do not understand what is so hard about that no offense.
  5. The 2nd best D-guy in the Leafs is really nothing to write home about (defensively that is). IMO the Leafs defense, besides McCabe is PUTRID, and is one of the biggest pitfalls of this team, and has been for quite some time. Very talented forwards, good toughness, good goaltending, putrid defense (and Im not talking about goals and assists for defesemen either) And losing Briere has been a big loss, do not underestimate that loss because he isnt a #1 overall pick and has seen better days like Big E.
  6. You know what I think of Mike and Mike not mentioning the Bills? Go shove some Purell up your @$$ Greenberg! I like the show actually...but who cares of JP isnt mentioned? These are AVERAGE guys like you and me giving OPINIONS..thats it...dont put them on a pedastal please!
  7. Oh Absolutely!!! She is SMOKING!! Lois
  8. yes I have...but whatever happened to watching the show when its on.....and if you dont want to know about it...dont open the thread To me a spoiler is information about a movie/show that comes out BEFORE it debuts at all anywhere, much like star wars....hey I guess spoilers have multiple meanings
  9. I think you are right....I see no signs of a new Jets DC...unless Mangini will assume that role
  10. What I dont get here is how is this a spoiler when the episode was on last night?
  11. Oh that much i agree with you on...Im not saying the Pro Bowl is a TRUE reflection of how good/bad a team is....but if these skill guys the Bills have are "so good" dont you think at least 1 or 2 would have made the roster somehow? I just think a lot of Bills fans overrate the overall talent of this team, TD is gone now, let the brainwashing he gave us fade away
  12. I think if things goes right it can be in 2 years, it all depends on Regier and Golisano...Golisano must be willing to pony up and pay these guys to keep them together. The core is very good, to put this all together however, Sabres ned one more stud on the blueline if you ask me. And for this year, they need another solid C or W who thrives playing even strength, one thing that scares me about the Sabres is their reliance on the PP.
  13. So teams with 10 Pro Bowlers would tell you ABSOLUTELY nothing about the team's performance??? Its better then 5-11 and 6 straight years of missing the playoffs I can tell you that much
  14. Do not speak the truth! Dont you know its ALL Ralph's fault for being cheap with coaching???
  15. And they own the Sabres...at least up to this point. I think the reason is simple: Sabres and Sens now are somewhat similar teams in terms of speed etc...but Ottawa simply has more talent...heart can only take teams SO far. In the Late 90's the Sabres were built differently...and that style matched up well with the Sens.
  16. I say Bates might sign with the Buffalo Bills. Difference between Clayton and everyone here, he is getting paid rather well for opinions on a now crap sports network.
  17. I kind of did see that coming...not during that episode...but based on the Original Super man.....Jonathan Kent dies....so if they were going to stay somewhat consistent with the original....he has to die
  18. Am I sad to see Sam go? Yes Do I think it cripples the Bills or JP? Not really. Can we all think clearly here everyone?? If we want to see JP improve.... UPGRADE THE OFFENSIVE LINE!!! I dont really care who is tutoring JP...until the Offensive Line improves greatly, all the coaching in the world WILL NOT matter.
  19. Toronto fans not making excuses is as unlikely as survivng on Earth without oxygen.
  20. Bitter Toronto fan?
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