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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. That wont be the case this time around. Sens have a real goalie now, unlike before
  2. NC is not one of the top corners, thats no big secret...and Steve Smith throwing someone under the bus? Nah, he never runs his mouth!
  3. In the salary cap era and with so many players changing teams etc...I would like to see Eric Moulds finish his career in Buffalo. Not that EM is a HOF candidate or anything, but he has been a very good receiver for many years now. Think of the instability that EM has had at the QB and OL positions on this team, the exact opposite of what Andre Reed had during his tenure with the Buffalo Bills. Bring Moulds back, get a solid 3rd ot 4th receiver, upgrade the OL...plus (and an overlooked aspect IMO) lets see if TE Kevin Everett or maybe another TE prospect that can open up the offense even more and make better use of the WR's the Bills have.
  4. Bingo! Excellent point, never thought of it that way
  5. Not a bad thought, but I highly doubt that the Thrashers would want Biron. Lehtonen will still be the goods, trust me on that, and the thrashers are committed to Kari. Edmonton at this point seems to be the best fit to deal Biron...maybe if the Sabres can get a steady D guy like Steve Staios, that could help bolster the Sabres blue line. Any thoughts?
  6. Promo, Please tell these Bills fans who are dreaming of Vince Young to please come to their senses and realize he is NOT the answer, PLEASE!
  7. Please dont tell me that you are oblivious to that fact
  8. Maybe a little of both
  9. What other strategy is there? Listen to the propaganda laced crap the media trys to feed us and its all negative and produces mimimal results?
  10. Think about it people....Bush speaks...then the Libs start becoming moderate for the elections...then they will change again...then Republicans will get angry...then they will change...then once the elections come, the Republicans will change their views again to win votes...its a vicious cycle and it will never ever end. You watch the majority of the news stations that are SO one sides towards liberals...can they ever say anything good to support the leader in power now? Or is everything supposed to be NEGATIVE NEGATIVE??? Cant you all these ALL these networks (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, NBC are ALL garbage??? This crap is not worth the time people...all it is is entertainment driven to get people riled up and increase their ratings!!!!! Screw this two party system, screw government......Ill never vote again...this country is going down the tubes! Education is declining...morals? What are those? (And Im not talking about religion)
  11. I just DO not understand this LOVEFEST for the Pittsburgh Steelers...cmon wake up Bills fans please!!!! Who cares of the AFC wins? Does that mean Willis McGahee can strut around and brag "Were part of the AFC, were 5-11 but who cares, its partly our win too" Please...has ZERO relevance...plus Seattle WAS an AFC team at once time...does this conference stuff really matter that much??? But I guess since sports radio and the media have brainwashed us into believing it does, I guess it does. I hate the Steelers. Always have. The fans on the bars here in NJ are OBNIXIOUS period. ALWAYS getting on me about the Bills.. GO SEAHAWKS!!!
  12. He will not get in....much to the delight of Mike and the MadDog and most of the media
  13. Oh man go there now you sure wont feel cheated...my aunt who lives in that area had to be evacuated for a couple of days due to excessive rain..what a mess
  14. Ive been called worse
  15. Is that you Lonnie Johnson??
  16. If Toronto was 31-15, regardless of schedule, tsn.ca would have TO in the Top 5...you know what, maybe the Sabres arent an elite team, but there is clearly a bias there and a bitterness that Canada feels towards any US team. Remember Canada, 4 of the Original 6 teams started in the United States, stop asking as if JUST your game
  17. So I guess the Bills should spend MORE money to bring in a QB and take $ away from addressing the REAL needs of the team, like OL and DL for starters?
  18. I agree with you for the most part LA. I go to the Ralph once a year and have been doing that for about 15 years...and CLEARLY I can see the decline in Bills fans behavoir at games...the sharp negativity about the team and its getting bad, real bad. For some, being right is EVERYTHING, but even more then that, people LOVE attention,as evidenced by some of the threads started on TBD. Having said that though, there are still plenty of good well behaved passionate Bills fans around thats for sure.
  19. I think the new focus of some posters is this: How many replys can I get and can I keep my thread on the top of the page... AKA "LOOOOOOK AT MEEEEEE, I got 190 replys!!!! Im Superposter!!"
  20. **** is ****....evne in HD...it just looks like clearer ****... I loathe ESPN
  21. Little word of advice: DONT WATCH ESPN Screw that station.
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