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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. "Mrs Clinton displays Monica Lewinsky's face as she found Monica under President Clinton's desk"
  2. You are right KRC...I have to always remember what you said. I guess I am really just tired of all the negativity I mean why cannot we at least try to support a President a Governor etc...for example, Im not fond of Corzine in NJ (He won IMO pretty much because people here just vote Democrat without really thinking, and the Forrester wasnt that great anyway)...but heck, I DO support Corzine and hope that he does a great job for the state of NJ...regardless of the fact i didnt vote for him. Its time for the negativity in this country to subside a bit and see some more support from both sides. But the way people hate Bush, nothing he ever does or says is good...EVERYTHING cannot be bad.
  3. How good is Jonathan Cheechoo right now??? Since acquiring Joe Thornton from Boston on Dec. 2, he has 24 goals, 12 assists and a plus-18 rating in the 26-game span. Thats UNREAL
  4. My God Im losing my mind R Rich...I need sleep
  5. I agree Nick, very solid avatar you have
  6. Why thank you for this wonderful honor! And oh, its right!
  7. Good post, these are similar points that myself and others have been posting for quite awhile. One thing about Trent Dilfer though, he is the exception, not the rule IMO. The 2000 Baltimore defense will probably go down, if not already, as one of the most dominant defenses of ALL TIME...not many defenses better then that bunch. More often then not, to win a SB you need to have your QB do more then manage the game, more often you need to make sure your QB can MAKE the big plays at crucial situations during a game and STAY AWAY from critical mistakes as much as possible (see Jake Plummer as an example of a guy who cannot shake that).
  8. I agree...that is a classic post!!
  9. I just bought three boxes...didnt get the numbers yet...$10 a box, nothing major Any of you get your numbers yet?? And how much is your pool per box?
  10. I agree with you. He is doing what a lot of us dream to do....for a LIVING, talk sports, write sports, cover sports...and make REAL good $ doing it... I just hate that he is on ESPN, because that station is ruining so many good things about sports if you ask me.
  11. Agreed. About 4 weeks ago however, we would be signing a different tune about Brodeur for this year, but Brodeur and the Devils have caught fire and Marty is back on his game, but as of Christmas Marty was playing terrible.
  12. Not even Patrick Roy? Brodeur is a great goalie make no mistake about it...the one thing about Marty is though, if I needed to win 1 game and only 1 game...he would not be my top choice...and thats not to say Martin isnt a great goalie....his record in OT in the playoffs is very subpar (I think its 8-16 or something like that)...but believe me I wouldnt compain one bit if he was the goalie for my team.
  13. For a Leafs fan I must say this is one good post!!!
  14. To me its ok to be negative. Sometimes being negative or booing players shows that the fans care so much about the teams success. What is not ok is turning violent and affecting people's lives with their behavior. Its embarassing to see how some of these Bills fans act at the games. What are these clowns thinking, yelling and cursing every second...starting fights etc....granted, there are out of town fans who accelerate incidents as well...but sometimes I just feel like going to Bills games JUST to tailgate and spend time with people on this site, forget actually going to the game, and going somewhere else and watching the game on TV. Ive never felt that way until the last couple of years.
  15. Depends on the matchup for me...this years SB dosent get me that fired up...so Ill save the day off
  16. If its 8 million, then Im gonna start thinking of new screenames on here
  17. I hear ya....ESPN is a joke...they overexaggerate everything which is why I barely watch that station anymore
  18. Guy was an amazing player
  20. How will 7 goal Belfour stop that offense? By offering a Billion Dollars?
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