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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. You cannot have a face recognition until you are given the opportunity to be seen. What was Bill Cowher instantly famous before ever being shown on TV?
  2. Only way Buffalo can win a Super Bowl is if the game is against a franchise the media does NOT want to win....Arizona, DET for example.. And the Bills better damn well be sure they have a storyline...like you know Jerome Bettis coming home to play....otherwise forget it
  3. The Vince Lomabardi trophies...how many Seahawks were shown on their own? Hasselback in the 4th is all I remember? How about the Dosney commercial...Ward, Porter, Ben twice....please...it was CLEAR as day who "they" wanted to win. What a disgrase.
  4. This isn't about being bitter, this is about a team getting robbed on MULTIPLE calls in the Super Bowl. Let me ask this: How many holding calls against the Steelers last night? None? You are telling me their OL played a PERFECT game? Please. If only Seattle had a "hometown story" or fans waving terrible towels in the 70's, maybe the NFL would have given Seattle a chance
  5. He better have...otherwise Irivin's entire resume would take a hit...he LIVED off that play.... NFL Refs < RJ
  6. First off, screw the Steelers.....I could care less about Cowher's jaw being satisified.....Jerome Bettis getting the hometown fix go his way, go retire already and go play some more poker on "Celebrity" poker showdown....and to the obnixious Steelers fans, the overbearing male Steeler fans and the female hairy armpit bar fly Steelers fans, you need to understand your team was given GIFTS. Why, because your team was good in the 70s your team should benefit from most of the calls??? Please. Hey Tagliabue and the refs, just admit it already, Big Ben IS the guy you wanted to promote ALL along, why not just ADMIT you wanted them to win.... First off: Offensive Pass Interference? Are you f'in kidding me??!?! Michael irvin at Halftime should have said "heck, thats how I built my CAREER!!' CMON ALREADY!!!! WHAT A JOKE OF A F'IN CALL!!!! Thats a 4 point swing.... Forget the Vinny Te$taverde-esque Ben TD.....because Pitt probably would have scored on 4th down anyway...enough said.. That holding call?!?!?! You CANNOT be serious!!!!!! That was CLEARLY not holding...negates the ball at the Pittsburgh 1..another probable 7 points called... Wheres the Delay Of Game???? What, does their beloved Big Ben work under ANOTHER play clock?? Man, I guess we all missed that memo! And Joey Porter, real class talking trash to Stevens at the last play of the game, you have shown me by your actions just how classless your team really is. 2005 Pittsburgh Steelers: Worst SB champion. EVER If the 90 Bills played this team, Bruce Smith would have shoved the ball righ up Big Ben's a$$...Bills by 20 EASY. Watered down NFL, what action!!!!
  7. Sorry to interrupt on the Bills fans lovefest with the Steelers....you know, that team with the obnixious fans who dont care about Buffalo ONE bit and oh yeah, the team that knocked us out in 2004....won 4 Super Bowls...would rub it in Bills fans faces again and again.... GO SEAHAWKS!!!
  8. Makes me think of the days of Spiked Lemonade
  9. You mean George Bush hasnt been blamed for this yet? Man slow on the draw is the anti_bu$h media arent they?
  10. Biggest box pool I saw was $1,000/box, of course on the $ I make, I was a spectator for that pool
  11. 500....hey Ill take it!
  12. KRC if that happens, Id go NUTS...I have 8 (SEA) and 4 (PIT) in my box pool!
  13. Now I know so many Bills fans here SO love the Steelers and Steelers fans can really care less about the Bills....but Ill just put this out there...Seattle will win Super Bowl 40!! Seattle will control the ball Seattle defense will be motivated due to the lack of respect. Thats all I have Seattle 31, Pittsburgh 23 Your predictions???
  14. Edge to the Eagles perhaps?
  15. Maybe a new LAMP forum should be opened by the judge of some of the threads lately
  16. "I'm a running back like Walter Payton, somebody who played a long time. I'm in that mold . . . guys who played 12, 13 years and always were consistent.'' Edge was drafted 12-13 years ago???
  17. You really dont think there is a liberal bias across most media outlets? Are you feeling ok?
  18. Here is what is going to happen in the NFL: 1. Cap is going to increase at a faster rate- Which means oh yes, there WILL be a spearation between the have and have-nots not quite at the same level, but similar to what anti Yankees fans whine about in baseball. 2. No cap on coaches- The $ teams WILL get the premium guys. Plain and simple.
  19. Its always beautiful when the Sabres beat the Cryers isnt it??? One thing that I have really liked seeing from the Sabres of late: Sabres are producing much better at even strength. Sabres need to be more balanced on even strength and the PP...cannot rely on one or the other, especially come playoff time... I dont know about all of you, but this game vs Ottawa in Buffalo on Saturday, Ive havent been this stoked for a regular season hockey game in YEARS.
  20. Good post Dean. And I do agree...NO way should the Bills take a RB in the first 2 or even 3 rounds of the Draft...would just be nice to have a RB with a potential to be a 1000 yd guy in case Willis is hurt or dosent produce.
  21. Was thinking back to 2004 when Willis had a fantastic 12 game stretch and TH was on the team...TH leaves and WM is the clear #1 RB and he has his moments but then had bad games (granted, not ALL his fault, but still should shoulder some of the blame) Im not suggesting the Bills get a guy like Edge etc....but should the Bills look to get another solid RB who would MAYBE be a #1 RB to draft a good RB out of college, maybe that would push Willis? Maybe Willis was very motivated by having a guy like TH on the team to push himself to becoming a legitimate #1 RB. Or would doing this backfire, get Willis pissed, and help run him out of Buffalo? And would it be good to have another RB to turn to if need be? Seems to becoming a trend somehwat in today's NFL. I might be reaching here, forgive me its Feb 2nd and trying to stir up Bills talk!
  22. Not a awful thought...but just seems that deals like this just dont materialize all that much in the NFL....
  23. But dont you know that is the E$PN way now??? MAKE things appear MUCH more dramatic then they really are?????? So what if he said this? He has confidence, plus he is going to be right!!!!
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