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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. i'm either smart or stupid for having the money from the tickets i sold through buffalobills.com put directly into my account - because i have a zero balance due for the tickets next season....
  2. No it wouldn't have - because I probably wouldn't have been able to pay that amount / the project wouldn't be worthwhile. And even if I did, it would stop me from expanding my business and working on the current project i'm in the middle of. So my question to you is (ignoring your original scenario) - am I a bad person for hiring overseas workers?
  3. it make's me sick to my stomach.
  4. wow - that is a new angle for me. How does the ball come out as a spiral on a fumble?
  5. one thing the NBC crew never mentioned at the time - that the Pburgh safety wasn't all that big of a deal as compared to a punt. a safety still requires cards to score a td, but steelers get a much better kickoff location. a punt from your own endzone is a nightmare. If that was belichick, he may have taken a safety if it came to 4th down.
  6. what is the exact rule? If you are sort of fumbling it but your arm is going forward is it a pass? Do you have to have a clean grip?
  7. Did anyone notice the az defender seemed to pull his arm back a little on the holmes TD? Like he thought it was going ob.
  8. was it officially a penalty? i guess, should it have been called? Probably not - just like the other 5 bad calls.
  9. i disagree Dean, that was the first super bowl halftime show that seemed to have legitimate energy. Now it could have been the way the did the audio, but it seemed more "concert like" than normal and the performers were more into it.
  10. all those people up front are planted there (they are probably fans though) so you can't tell what the rest of the stadium is doing - but I agree, he's better than mccartney, timberlake et all.....
  11. you were a song early....
  12. greatest play in super bowl history. still may be a bit of controversy around it - we'll see...
  13. would like your take on this scenario: I sometimes hire overseas contractors to do computer programming for me. The reason I do this is so that I can build my business. So when I pay my Ukranian friend $4,000 to do work for me instead of the $10,000 - $15,000 it would cost here in the US (not to mention speed and quality of the work) I take the extra money (if there is any) and use it for the next project. (note that i don't go out and by gold watches or caviar with it). So last year, I invested in a major new project for me. I bought something from a guy in Rochester for $15,000. He then had $15,000 to spend that he wouldn't have without me. If I had to pay US programmers, that $15,000 would not have been available to me. This new project would not exist, $15,000 would not be in the Rochester economy and I would not be thinking about hiring someone in central new york to work for me in the next year. So.... Should I be taxed more? Am I a bad person for hiring people overseas?
  14. I don't disagree - but "educated" does not equal smart nor successful. But I've learned a few things in my short life as well.... - people who like to talk about how educated they are and how uneducated others are tend to be liberal more than conservative. - some of the smartest people I know would qualify as "uneducated" in your book. - there is nothing that pisses off an educated liberal more than an "uneducated" conservative who is really successful.
  15. just curious if you felt that a state like vermont is a "legit" state to be a governor of, while alaska is just a national park. so you spent 4 years at an overpriced college, played waterpolo and now post on a buffalo bills message board about political issues. She went to about 4 colleges over 6 or 7 years, paid for it herself and became governor and candidate for Vice President. At least you are more educated.
  16. out of curiosity, would you say the same thing about being governor of a state like vermont?
  17. I am a strong proponent of cleaner air, cleaner water, responsible development, lots of animals, fish and so on. As a republican I'm often conflicted about a lot of legislation because it is frequently overdone for one side or the other. My biggest charitable donations every year are to the nature conservancy. I think the earth is getting warmer. I'm not convinced in the slightest that it is being caused by humans. Al gore is an absolute hypocrite who has used more fossil fuels than all of us in this thread combined, and who makes himself feel good by buying carbon credits. I don't take kindly to lectures about responsibility from the guy who has a 10,000 square foot house and a 100 foot houseboat. If my weatherman can't tell me what the weather will be like in a week, how am I supposed to believe what the temperature of the earth is going to be in 20 years - within half a degree........
  18. i watched the plane float by about 45 minutes ago right at the water. nothing different than what you saw on tv, but there were dozens of seat cushions floating by the piers in NY. pollution?? It's not THAT polluted to change the buoyancy.
  19. maybe he should apply to be secretary of the treasury.
  20. Why did SD punt with 3.5 minutes left? Are they afraid of pitt scoring and making things look bad or something? Down 18 with 3:30 left, stranger things have happened than 3 scores.
  21. i think sd is getting the short end of the calls. That interception wasn't an interception - not sure how it didn't get overruled. the sack on rivers could easily have been a personal foul, and the pass interference wasn't as nearly as bad as they were making it out to be - i think it could have gone either way. that said, they are still down by 18....
  22. I'm torn on this. I know that in college when we thought we might have trouble getting beer somewhere (freshman year) we'd do a bunch of shots in our room before we went out (which can be dangerous for 18 year olds) On the flip side, the brits are much more lax about underage drinking and their drinking makes ours look like childs play....
  23. go through her checkout line with the biggest box of condoms you can find.
  24. well done, master!
  25. speaking of coaches we ran out of town, killdrive didn't have a very bad season last year or this.....
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