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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. either you love borat or you hate him, but the whole concept of "gypsy catcher" and that he says it all the time and people don't question it just cracks me up....
  2. Here is a good borat site. Perhaps my next job could be "make ice, or gypsy catcher" Borat Soundboard
  3. the fact that they dug in and went from "the memos are real" to "the memos are accurate" to "the story is true" is mind boggling to me.
  4. or the tennessee kicker who just kicked a 50 yarder....of course he missed a p.a.t. just before that. the game was bs though, that penalty with 55 seconds left was absolute horse stevestojan.
  5. And therein lies the difference between me and a lot of other people. this had nothing to do with a bad economy, or the president for that matter - it had to do with some bad decisions, a lack of capital needed to make things completely successful and probably some underperfomance by a number of people. At the same time, I know that the thing I created when an idea popped into my head while drinking a large dunkin donuts coffee on I-95 near providence in 1999 will be around for years to come. It has been written about in Playboy (before we sold to schools!) and been featured on the today show and written about in the press around the world. It's definitely my baby so it will be a little tough to see it go, but it may be a good thing. And I'd be very surprised if it wasn't eventually very profitable for someone (and that someone could be me....).
  6. I read that this also happened to this guy 4 years ago (ie, maybe this guy tries to make it happen).
  7. As Trump would say "You're fired" (actually layed off...) A very cordial meeting that was basically "the company is losing money at the moment because of your division, not your product. We're going to sell off the division asap to someone who can do better with it. In the meantime we're laying everyone off..." I could almost definitely work for whoever buys the division, but don't know when that will be or where. I could also get some people together and try to buy back my piece of the company we sold them originally. Probably won't do that, I've been doing this for 5 years and have had enough of a roller coaster ride (start company, get investors, internet Rosen, almost go out of business, get bought, get layed off....) not sure if I want to start it up again. Anyway, I'm actually a little excited to be free for a while. I have some side stuff I do that will at least pay the bills and the wife has a good job so I think I'll enjoy myself for a few months since it's probably the last chance before we have kids in a few years......
  8. chaney is really smooth.
  9. wouldn't that be ironic! I couldn't complain if that was the case. Maybe I'd have to switch sides of the aisle.....
  10. Thanks, the best part is that tomorrow is my birthday.....
  11. got the old "Bob would like you to come to the office tomorrow to meet with him" phone call today. I have no idea what it's about. My division isn't doing so hot these days, but the product / service I created (and that this company bought from me) is doing very well with a lot of potential for growth. So here are my theories: Likelihood: 1) we're shutting down your division and don't need you anymore - 20% 2) we're dropping some of the services from your division, firing your boss but want to keep you - 20% 3) we're shutting down your division but want to keep you and your product - 43% 4) we're shutting down your division but want to keep you in a different capacity - 10% 5) we're keeping your division and your product but you can clean out your desk - 5% 6) Why the hell do you spend 12.5 hours per week on tbd.com? - 2% I wouldn't exactly be pissed if I got let go - it would allow me to start on my next big thing... I'll keep you posted...
  12. First, I'm not a lawyer (though I played one on TV) but how does she know he disobeyed an order? Because someone else told her, right? Though I guess if she typed up documents to that effect it would count....
  13. And Chaney never said there will be another 9/11 if Kerry wins, he said the risk is that there will be another attack and kerry will treat it as a criminal act. he was warning against an attack being treated as a criminal act, he wasn't saying kerry would result in an attack.
  14. "what, $500 for a plane ticket?"
  15. and now this interview - doing whatever they can to keep the story going, but making barely a mention of the fogeries - in fact they just used the word "recreations"....and now they are going on about "but nobody every said anything about the content of the story...." rather is digging in and looking worse and worse.
  16. On the news they just said "CBS is confident that the content of the memos is accurate"...hmmm....looks like they are trying to hedge....
  17. please show me an example of a time the patriot act has been used to find out what book someone has read at a library, I'm really interested to see it. you guys love bringing up that line, but I'm just waiting for some facts behind it please....
  18. I don't think they knew they were fakes, they just didn't want to listen to anyone because they really wanted them to be real......(does that make any sense?)
  19. What are you talking about, Mickey already said this forgery stuff has been disproved.
  20. Ah yes, I'm sure W. is the one who fills the shelves with reading materials at the family summer retreat. Yeah, while I was in college I couldn't get enough of those causes and marches through campus. And books? Oh, I went through a book a week when it wasn't finals time. "he wasn't interested in ideas" - uh, not sure how to comment on that statement. JK on the other hand wouldn't wipe his ass without first thinking how it would impact his future run for the presidency.
  21. He had to be smart if he went to Bucknell. Only brilliant people go there.
  22. ahem, the correct wny grammar is "the 90".....
  23. I'll be there with my college friends as well. Hope they let me in with my costume....
  24. The old black and white display was classic. They would put up about 2 replays per game, and they seemed to blow out at least 30% of the bulbs when they did it. Probably took up half the compsuting power of WNY to do.... Then they had the super crappy "upgrade" for a year or two. It was color but couldn't do replays Then they added the current jumbotron. Believe it or not, when it was installed it was the largest jumbotron installed in North America.....that was probably 92 or so??
  25. he gets a paycheck for writing that.....?
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