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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. yeah, that's it. I'm bothered by your bledsoe post so I decided to mention that I think it is tasteless to have a picture of someone nearly dying as your avatar. As for my avatar, watch yourself or Borat will crush you. like stalin.
  2. I agree Risin, you are truly a class act.
  3. two things: I didn't see that he was unnecessarily stretching out backwards to get the ball over the goal line - he got popped very hard by a patriot. I don't fault him for that. I guarantee you that he didn't understand what had just happened - most of the crowd didn't understand that the pats were getting the ball back.
  4. it will be interesting. It started with Clinton, who a lot of people really, really hated. That made the dems do the same thing but worse to Bush, and if Kerry wins it could get even uglier....
  5. it should be, but it isn't. nobody wants to bring it up because they'll be accused of "denying people the right to vote", like the dems do left and right as we speak. At the same time though, I've lived in 6 places in the past 9 years. I could probably vote for president this year twice in PA, once in Mass, once in NYC, once in NJ and maybe even once in Buffalo. The system sucks. When you fill out a change of address with the post office they should send that to the dept of elections.....
  6. This election should clearly be decided on the status of the NY subway system.
  7. I would say that a station was closed, not "the subways". If they closed off an exit on the 190 because there was a parade in downtown buffalo would you say "they shut down the highway"? It had nothing to do with Bush and the budget or anything they did, it was purely related to logistics.
  8. Actually, they didn't shut down the subway in new york at all. look it up.
  9. I've had a few experiences with the DC schools in the past year, and I couldn't agree more. A perfect example of "as long as I don't piss anybody off I'll keep my job, so I should probably do nothing".... As for the stadium - isn't the timeline so tight that if angelos starts even a bs lawsuit it will delay things enough to ruin everything?
  10. that sounds like an objective opinion!
  11. Yeah, those little things will definitely help them win the first playoff series. Of course we know what happens after that....no world series for the yanks, and a whole lotta "1918" chants from the fans who are a lot more pissed off than they will ever let on.....
  12. You guys must be really excited to see who it is this year that stops you from winning a world series.
  13. wow, that piece was full of a lot of well thought out arguments....
  14. they are just a little annoyed because despite the payroll and the history (26 Titles! 26 Titles!! 26 Titles!!!), the last few years have been HUGE letdowns for Yankees fans, and smart money doesn't say that will change this year. Arizona Anaheim Florida
  15. Does anybody have any stuff?
  16. it makes some excellent points. One thing I think about some times is what if our country was fully of Arab soldiers. Imagine if you go to NYC and there are all these guys with guns from another country, who are a different religion than 80% of the country etc. etc. Even though they are there with good intentions, it would be really, really strange.
  17. Mickey - This is a different instance. There was a specific instance that was more than just "detected conversations" - somebody came out and said "we're listening to all of his conversations on his satellite phone". This was during the Clinton Admin. both suck.
  18. maybe the program you listened to was bashing CBS, but the one I listened to definitely downplayed the importance of it - lots of quotes from people like "the press likes to talk about itself", "this is taking the focus away from such important issues" blah blah blah.
  19. no - he's talking about the fact that we were listening to every single one of his conversations on that phone until some jackass told the press, who printed it.
  20. i want to say abc news or washpost, but I'm not sure. a stupid one, that's for sure. And just as dumb was the guy who told him....
  21. If you are talking about Nick Berg, that's not the case. He was sort of a strange guy from what I read, he'd done a lot of volunteer work in africa but went to iraq to make money building radio towers. I don't believe there was any family involved.
  22. what about when the reporter was asking kerry about his trip to Washington to windsurf the columbia river. Questioning him about the ability of normal people to do that and she says "what, $500 for a plane ticket" as if that's no big deal.
  23. yeah, but we don't have a million illegals coming across from Canada every year. it's a big problem but they need the votes to badly to say anything. it sucks.
  24. yeah, that was the game where RJ dove into the endzone for the winning score. How I long for the days of RJ.....
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