I can't figure him out. One day hate him, one day love him.
Bob Ryan says he's the smartest athlete he's ever known though, which is sort of interesting.
1) If you guys don't think the comment about Cheneys daughter was a big deal, wait until tomorrow when Kerry apologizes, because EVERYONE thought it was a low blow.
2) I thought his Mom's last word was "Bosco"
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i've seen that picture a million times, just with a normal face on it....
not a big deal really, but i hope the dems who got fired up about the photoshopped jane fonda picture are just as pissed right now.
there is a girls gone wild video (a friend told me about it...) where a girl is flashing in a moving convertible and it causes an accident right behind her - sort of a girls gone wild / incredible videos all in one...
right, because Iraq itself has no natural resources for energy, so a natural solution to provide electricity would be nuclear. Hell, where else would you get energy in Iraq.
he just had 2 perfect throws. They always love whoever is playing qb.
the funny thing is though 5 minutes ago he was talking about how flawless and relentless the jets offense has been.....
before he married T.H., Kerry practically didn't have two nickels to rub together....(that's why he married her, and that's why he might become president.)
I heard somebody say that Bush did so much better because he was in a much more personal environment....he doesn't do nearly as well when he's in a sterile environment. Makes sense, since people who meet him say he's so likeable etc. but he stammers so much in the formal debate atmosphere.
yeah, and the second they realized what the hell some idiot had done they admitted to it and pulled it down. Unlike CBS, who really, really wanted the story to be true so they didn't bother checking it out.