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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. This is the onion article posted on another site (which is restricted to subscribers). I think this originally done as clinton, but relaunched when we went into iraq. FUNNY
  2. yup. The picture of the "special" soldier, and the graphic of the "short" C130 that he went to Iraq on. I'm laughing thinking about it.
  4. great headlines and pics.... http://www.dailybull.com http://www.bostondirtdogs.com
  5. EI - I don't understand your comment in the slightest. People don't like a sports team and talk trash so the world hates us?
  6. besides that, tito managed this series very well.
  7. Fez - Right now I'm not using WEP but I am using firewall software (zone alarm). I assume i should enable WEP? I have a linksys router and wireless card. Do I enable WEP through windows or my linksys software? I'm actually pretty computer literate, just not security....
  8. Just got off the phone with a friend who is on Boylston street. He says it's a near riot....I suspect there will be a LOT of damage in the morning if history is any indication... I will give credit to Yankee fans who don't pull this kind of stevestojan. GO SOX
  9. come on guys. double play please.
  10. would they please stop talking about the yankees losing. it's bad karma.
  11. They've done well against him, but that's not the biggest point. The point is you are up by 7 runs and your starter is pitching awesome, your bullpen a little tired. There is no reason to pull lowe just yet, and if you do pull him put in one of the other shitbags from the bullpen. Pedro pitched 2 days ago, and can singlehandedly get the crowd back into it. thank god bellhorn. edited: p.s. - the filter doesn't work on the word shitbag.
  12. pedro, why don't you give them another 88 mph fastball across the middle of the plate. LOWE THREW 69 PITCHES FOR GODS SAKE
  13. want a storybook ending for the yankees? a rally thanks to pedro. this is retarded on so many levels.
  14. don't get me started.
  15. i hate it. I think he definitely asked to come in. why the f do you take out lowe.
  16. please don't bring in pedro. please.
  17. not over yet guys.
  18. agreed. i'm nervous till out 27
  19. Fox didn't give us a single close up replay of the play at the plate. How am I supposed to B word about a call if there is no close up???
  20. If Kerry wins I think she will be an incredible embarassment for the White House. She doesn't know when to shut up.
  21. that didn't take long.
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