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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. 2 days ago on facebook he said it's ok to talk sh*t about him, just don't do it about #23. classic.
  2. can you imagine the sh*tstorm this would be if this happened at Chad Johnson's / Plaxico / (insert NFL bad guy here) wedding and one of his "bodyguards" shot at a paparazzi?
  3. Coming from someone who is thinking of moving back upstate (but who still has a lot of connections there) - I'm not sure Rochester is your best choice. Nice, underrated place? Yes. Someplace I would move to from hawaii if I didn't have close ties there? nope.
  4. i love how they come up with these numbers. They take any illness that is related to smoking - whether or not it was caused by smoking and they throw them into the pile. like the commercial I saw the other day that tried to tell me that secondhand smoke was responsible for 7 million missed school days per year. what a load of crap. (btw, I think smoking is a vile, filthy, idiotic thing to do.)
  5. what about the fact that he was in a $700 a night hotel room with a $1,000 hooker. That is A LOT of sham-wows. i was at at trade show the other day and they were selling sham-wow. I bit. it sucks.
  6. i forget who it is, but there is some writer who is close with george who always puts him "in the mix" with team x or y as a ploy to drum up interest (a la donahoe and mort)
  7. anybody been listening to the new adam carrola podcast? He's been doing it for about 2 weeks and within a few days he was the #1 podcast on itunes. I think he is great. the majority of what i listen to at work now are podcasts. Radio, especially satellite radio is f'd. i'll give you a shot bigcat
  8. I went to the game in 1980 when we beat the dolphins for the first time in 10 years. I was 7 years old and watched when they rushed the field and tore down the goalposts. It wasn't the craziest thing I've seen at the ralph. The wildest was the guns-n-roses / metallica concert in 1992 - between metallica and gnr, there was an hour long wait - and people started throwing crap in a corner of the end zone. Within 10 minutes it had spread, and the entire stadium was filled with sh*t flying through the air - complete mayhem. It looked like it was raining garbage. People were running for the hallways to protect themselves, and tons of industrial sized toilet paper rolls (among other things) were being tossed from the upper deck. great concert.
  9. stupid. if an 8th grader wrote this I would give him an F.
  10. yup, this is a one year chance for us to win the super bowl....
  11. (not sure if they are going to carry it) http://www.97rock.com/article.asp?id=545389
  12. as long as the OP police give marshawn the same liberties they gave jimbo, we'll be all set. hopefully marshawn won't act like jimbo did.
  13. you mean on retreats that were largely paid for 6 months ago, and that would have cost hundreds of thousands to cancel? so if you take out the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have wasted, will you be ok with giving them BILLIONS of dollars to them like the auto companies? Because if they didn't go on those retreats i'm sure all would be fine. Just like if the GM guys didn't fly their planes to DC they would be fine (seriously - driving from Detroit to DC in a hybrid for a meeting with Congress is a brilliant use of their time...)
  14. the weatherman a week ago was 100% wrong on his prediction for yesterday. I'm shocked that people making predictions decades out aren't correct.
  15. Yes, and these are the people who are going to benefit the most from these tax increases. The people who were RECKLESS / IRRESPONSIBLE. The ones buying big houses they couldn't afford, big screen tv's they shouldn't be buying and driving new cars they shouldn't be driving.
  16. i had a friend get told by a girl at seductions that she doesn't do lapdances...
  17. someone told me you can't go to canada if you have a DWI. not sure if it's true.
  18. hey bucky, right wing papers are struggling too....
  19. Bigcat - here is a real life scenario. My sister and brother in law by your words are "rich dicks" because they do well for themselves and do not want to pay more in taxes. They recently started funding a scholarship to your alma mater, which as you know is a signifcant amount of money. If the government lops of $30k or $40k from their income, there is a very good chance they won't fund that scholarship anymore. Instead, that money will go into what i'm sure will be an efficient government program. so that will be one less academically worthy, financially unworthy student who will get to enjoy a bison burger. Instead, it will mean some government bureaucrat who got a job because his father knows somebody will get to work for the government for the rest of his life.
  20. while not a fan of the political side of a lot of newspapers, i really hate to see this happen. Will any of these cities become no-newspaper towns?
  21. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and you obviously don’t understand the basics of how the economy or business works. Do you think they guy who charges a lot for a drink runs a dive in a crappy part of town with $3k a month rent and then goes home and sits on a pile of cash he got with $25 drinks? Nope – he probably pimped out his bar – and to do that he hired a designer, he hired an architect, he hired painters, he bought furniture from some girl who just started up her business, he bought an AV system from LABillz so he can go piss on the poor. The one reason why this guy probably does suck is because he is likely cheating on his taxes with all that cash, which I will never condone. I don’t care if you are a waitress or a bar owner or the guy in charge of the IRS – pay your f’ing taxes, (and don’t try to give me the old “it’s a common mistake”) Are the charities who are bitching and moaning about these tax increases also dicks? best post I’ve read on here in a long while, and I couldn’t agree more. Stop making sense JA. Having money to invest = bad!!! Giving that same money to the government to give to pencil pushers who leave by 5:01 every single day = good!
  22. great thread. Big f'ing deal - what's a few extra percent on $250k? $7500 - boo hoo. $600 a month is a lot of money, and as many have said already - $250k in NYC, Boston, LA or a lot of places doesn't make anyone rich by any means. They surely aren't poor, but they aren't always swimming in money. Big Cat - You have a LOT to learn, and you really don't get it. You make comments about those jerks who throw away money on top shelf liquor - (and I think this is where a lot of the hatred comes from. People picture every "rich person" as a dickhead in a suit and a private jet grabbing girls asses. ) Whether or not someone is a jerk - spending a lot of money is a GREAT thing. Guess who the $14 gin and tonic helps? It helps that jerk bartender. It helps that jerk girl doing the liquor promotions making $15 an hour. It helps that jerk immigrant busboy who sends money back to his family. It helps the jerk liquor delivery man. It helps the jerk who cleans the bar. It helps the jerk who saved his money and became a liquor distributor. Go ahead and ask anyone of those people which they would rather have - an exra $60 per month that they will be getting under Obama, or a bunch of rich jerks out spending their money. It is so easy to say "big deal, who cares about those guys". But when does it end? If 39% isn't a big deal, why not 41% - it's only 2 measly percent. Charities are going to get CRUSHED under this plan. Amusingly, our vice president - who is very excited to spend our money rather than let us spend it and give it away gave a whopping $3,000 to charity over the past 10 years. I honestly can't even fathom that.
  23. i closed my eyes and thought i was listening to keneth from 30 rock. where did he get that inflection?
  24. way to early to know anything. I just read someone said the plane was on fire before it crashed. I was on an airline pilot forum where they had air traffic control audio of the approach and everything was fine and then no response from the plane. (evidently atc is different than the tower to plane communications).
  25. God that is awful - I can't imagine that. Earlier tonight the delays out of Newark were 7+ hours because of the wind. Sounds like the plane was full.
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