1) Love him or hate him, Karl Rove is a f'ing genius. Two straight elections they shouldn't have won, but they did.
2) I wish I was more excited about Bush winning tonight. I REALLY hope he changes the way he's been doing some things, especially spending so much f'ing money. Ashcroft will go and maybe that will make people think the boogeyman is gone.
3) If an FBI agent or two had been listened to 3 years ago the world would be a much different place today in many, many ways.
4) In another year, there will still be car bombs in Iraq, but I think (and pray) things will be much better. It will take a few years before we know if this was a complete disaster or a wise move.
5) My wife is horrified tonight, and is convinced that roe v. wade is good as done.
6) Hillary as the Dem nominee in 2008 looks like a sure thing 4 years out.
7) The guys who created the electoral college were absolutely brilliant. 225 years later their wisdom amazes me.