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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. good points, maybe it is a contest of who can be "more averager" to quote Bush.
  2. I hear you, the day it is overturned nothing will be different. Maybe a state or five would outlaw abortion, but more than likely it would just be restrictions on parental notification, partial birth etc.
  3. 1) Love him or hate him, Karl Rove is a f'ing genius. Two straight elections they shouldn't have won, but they did. 2) I wish I was more excited about Bush winning tonight. I REALLY hope he changes the way he's been doing some things, especially spending so much f'ing money. Ashcroft will go and maybe that will make people think the boogeyman is gone. 3) If an FBI agent or two had been listened to 3 years ago the world would be a much different place today in many, many ways. 4) In another year, there will still be car bombs in Iraq, but I think (and pray) things will be much better. It will take a few years before we know if this was a complete disaster or a wise move. 5) My wife is horrified tonight, and is convinced that roe v. wade is good as done. 6) Hillary as the Dem nominee in 2008 looks like a sure thing 4 years out. 7) The guys who created the electoral college were absolutely brilliant. 225 years later their wisdom amazes me.
  4. actually, last election he only got 99.5 I think they gave his opponent .5 % to make the election seem credible.
  5. Do you think in 50 years they'll use this post as sort of a "Dewey Defeats Truman" type thing?
  6. he may be the heart of the yankees, but he surely isn't the best shortstop in baseball. And how did Mr. Clutch do in the ALCS? .200 batting average and 2 errors. It's amazing how those "intangibles" go down the crapper when your team has stevestojantty pitching.
  7. it's obvious they haven't counted my vote yet!!!
  8. Then don't start playing around. Chances are you'll get burned. If you are young, put every penny you can into your 401k, put your $3,000 each year into your IRA and you'll probably never have to worry (as long as you don't touch it). Think about index funds - they beat over 80% of actively managed mutual funds.
  9. amazing the power that drudge has....
  10. let me guess - you go to suny brockport.
  11. I think the point was that if you don't know the name of your President why should he bother to argue with you?
  12. things are a dead heat here in my condo.
  13. speaking of hateful - somebody at my polling place was wearing THIS T SHIRT Is that considered electioneering? (warning, vile filthy words on that page)
  14. no worries, the republicans all have jobs so they aren't done with work yet. looks like heavy kerry numbers, should be interesting to see if they even out. Didn't gore lead florida pretty big last time?
  15. welcome to ppp Gene, if that is your real name!!!!
  16. you couldn't have picked a better title for the thread... I saw that too but wasn't sure how to put it.
  17. you must be smoking crack in your office mickey. republicans poll watch = bad, democrats poll watch = only to prevent republican fraud. And there are no democratic poll watchers in florida watching out for republican fraud? What about all of your fellow lawyers in Florida? Just watching out for bad stuff by the repubs, I understand. See, some of us can admit me were wrong, or admit that the blzrul happens on both sides.
  18. Mickey, if the republican poll watchers are disenfranchisers what does that make all of the democratic poll watchers?
  19. what part of the story has been proven false? please post. and if the mayor of philly says it was a hoax, then it must be a hoax. You obviously don't know much about the mayor of philly, cause he is as crooked as they come.
  20. Mickey - "it doesn't really mean a thing, does it". Philly has a history of sketchy election practices, and this wasn't one single machine - it was a whole bunch of them. Your theory could be true, but I highly doubt it.
  21. Wouldn't it be ironic if all the votes were for Bush?? Drudge cracks me up with the way he writes stuff, puts up the dumb little map etc. he is what he is, but it's entertaining.
  22. Good to hear - not that I think that boycotting Walmart is necessarily good, but nothing bothers me more than someone who bitches about something and does nothing about it. As for the Drugs, the real solution of the for the drug companies to grow some balls and tell the canadians and europeans they either pay the market price for drugs or they don't get them. Stop us idiots over here from subsidizing their costs.
  23. check drudge. looks like things will get ugly my friends. Drudge (waiting for anti drudge comments)
  24. and the other part about outsourcing is that the same people who talk about the evils of outsourcing will be lined up 50 deep on November 26th at Wal Mart to buy a 19" color TV set for $69. (btw - this blows me away. how the hell do you build a factory, make a tv set, put it on a boat, ship it to Long Beach, put it on a truck, ship it to Buffalo and sell if for $69???? - amazing). Kelly is right, it is both good and bad.
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