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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. too bad for Rick that we did great vs. the NFC all 4 of those years.... (during the regular season that is)
  2. The worse part about the small planes is the fact that the pilots are usually about 17 years old. I was on a flight last month in about a 10 seater (I'm 6'4" and had 0 leg room) flying from Winnipeg to an Indian Reservation 400 miles north of there. Now, I will say she was a good looking girl, but she couldn't have been older than 22 and I would have felt a lot more comfortable if she was my lifeguard, not my pilot! and btw - you could tell it was a girl pilot cause every time she went to make a left turn she'd go way out into the right hand lane first....
  3. today Bush is saying he wants to continue the amnesty / fast track whatever it is for Mexican workers in the US. ugh.
  4. never had any trouble in NY, people have more to do in NY / NJ and don't spend all year looking forward to those 8 weekends....
  5. there used to be a site called ratemypoo.com but sadly it is no longer there.
  6. great show, and by great I mean painful and funny at the same time. the guys lost and they made them sleep outside with the homeless people. classic.
  7. No doubt. And some people who need to learn to ignore others and not fly off the handle when someone criticizes them.
  8. T-Bone, that would be a good argument if she didn't post 4,500 hundred times on TBD, or if she didn't write about all of the different Internet searches she did in her other posts about her homework assignments. One more though would be - what if this were a 16 year old asking for homework help every single week on this board? Do you think nobody would tell the kid to do the work himself?
  9. but it was smarter than climbing out on the wire holding up the field goal nets.....
  10. Please don't leave, please don't leave nooo!!!!!
  11. That's what you do when you don't have a job. and yes, I understand how pathetic it is.....
  12. he asked drew what "24 sweep zebra" was and drew told him to look it up himself.
  13. what's a bumber?
  14. Just for the record, and it doesn't really matter anymore - this is the way everything went down. If you've read the threads, you know that if Sue had not started calling people names everything would have stopped right there. September 7th: Sue asks her first homework question. nothing rude posted. September 19th: Sue asks her second homework question. nothing rude posted. September 26th: Sue asks her third homework question - the first comment is made about "doing your own work". September 27th: Sue asks her fourth homework question. nothing rude posted. October 24th: Sue asks her fifth homework question. After one person makes a single comment about her perhaps typing the question into a search engine herself, she responds by calling people jerks, trash, idiots, losers and of course :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: (poor Sue). BIB responds with good post about how she should know if she posts something, people will jump on it because it is the way people sometimes are. He also mentions that her hair trigger comments don't help her cause. November 6th: She posts a question, that everyone agrees should have taken no more than 60 seconds to find on Google. She has 4,500 posts, is taking college business courses yet finds the need to ask this question here. In fact if you type in "a site to calculate currency exchanges" in Google, EVERY SINGLE FIRST PAGE RESULT would have answered her question. One person asks her if she is missing a chromosome or is she doing this for attention, she responds by calling the person a jerk. A second person responds with a comment about her probably wanting attention and she responds with "Still are just way too many LOSERS lurking on this board. GO AWAY LOSER. IF YOU CANT TAKE IT THEN, TAKE A HIKE JACKASS" and 17 pages later, here we are.
  15. Question from a non-hunter. Was back in town last weekend and saw a HUGE buck on transit in lancaster / elma (right by the 400) in somebodies front yard. I know nothing about the size, but this thing had huge antlers. What are the rules about shooting a deer from your front porch?
  16. Bellichek throws the flag like arod slaps
  17. I think rebels is a fair term. Also think most of them could be considered terrorists.
  18. i've hogged a few cooties in my day...or is it cootied a few hogs?
  19. my favorites were: Jackasses losers trash I betcha I'm older than you something about changing your diaper dumping a beer on your head you better hope I don't see you in person don't say the word "father" to me and of course :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. perhaps if she responded a little better to people who question her without calling them trash, losers and jackasses that thread would have stopped after 8 posts. it takes 2 to tango.
  21. don't leave the stadium just yet bob
  22. thanks dude, it's not really over just yet though. good luck the rest of the way
  23. No, but I do know that I can find you 5 sites within 60 seconds, so either she didn't try herself or she doesn't know her way around the internet much, despite her 4500 posts.
  24. Not at all, but if you cut and paste entire homework questions, and ask for help with things that you obviously didn't even try to do yourself you need to be ready for someone to call you on it. And when they do call you on it you shouldn't go off the deep end and start calling them names. Notice who started the mudslinging. This isn't a prayer or help with plumbing - it's homework, something people usually are responsible for doing themselves.
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