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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. You obviously didn't watch the world series this year.
  2. yeah, keep talking trash about your sports teams bf. It seems to work out great in the end....
  3. yup, defending himself from the ever dangerous plastic cup. And I'm not sure if it has been mentioned, but he went after the wrong guy.
  4. he's amazing.
  5. repubs keep making stupid decisions.
  6. anyone know where you can get an mp3 of the high pitch kelly clarkson?
  7. reminds me of the time a certain all time sack leader of ours didn't want to get a flu shot and ended up missing a playoff game (which one was it?). not as bad as leonard smith missing a game with the clap, but hey....
  8. Monorail! Monorail! Monorail! speaking of monorail, was that the episode when they said "we're going to make shelbyville the next utica"
  9. I only know California, which is an incredible song (though the "real" fans probably hate it). If I were to buy an album which one should I get?.
  10. it was just a short gig, but I was put in charge of planning for inclement weather during the opening of the Clinton Library in Little Rock. I don't think they are going to hire me full time... seriously though - what were they thinking? Pouring rain and everyone sitting there with umbrellas and $.50 ponchos. That's gotta suck for Clinton.
  11. I wouldn't make my decision based on what may or may not happen with the tax code. In most scenarios, especially if you are young the Roth works out better.
  12. I think some of these basic principles of investing / money should be a required course for high school seniors, or at least college freshman. I am constantly amazed at some of my "smart" friends who don't understand the wonder of compound interest, or the basics of a mortgage. anybody agree?
  13. look it up yourself you vile, lazy, dirty, swarthy person!!!
  14. ???? Attention young people....here is a stat that you should listen to now, and listen to good: If you are 25 years old, make $30,000, save 15% of your income until you are 65 years old, and earn 8%, you will have well over a million dollars when you are 65 years old. Of course, you'll need more than a million dollars, but hopefully you'll also make more than $30,000...... invest early, nothing smarter you can do.
  15. mandalay bay for sure
  16. Yeah - an internal communique that is now posted on a Buffalo Bills message board.
  17. yeah - beatlejuice, and the female bodybuilder girl and somebody else. classic.
  18. Actually, campy - there was nothing in your article that provided what Michfan asked for.
  19. don't know who is telling the full truth, but if you think the administrator has no reason to play down the incident you are smoking something.
  20. Lay off the post! Nothing makes lunch more enjoyable than $.25 for a post.....
  21. Gypsy catcher comes from my avatar who is Borat, the character from the HBO show "Ali G". Long story short this guy pretends he is Borat, a Khazakstani TV reporter. He says stupid stuff and puts people in really uncomfortable situations. Funniest tv show ever. anyway, in one episode he goes to talk to job recruiters, and one of them asks him what he did for a living in Khazakstan. He tells them his jobs were "I make ice, I gypsy catcher.....and then he goes on to say that his specialty was "making animals liquid explosion to make baby animals" hard to explain but funny as stevestojan.
  22. I'm thinking biographies mainly because I haven't really read any, and there are some incredible people / stories that I'd like to learn more about. So yeah, rather than something political I'd rather read up on Lewis & Clarke, Lincoln etc.
  23. Well, it took me 31 years but I've finished both the Curious George and Clifford the Big Red Dog series of books. Now I'm looking for something a little meatier. I read a fair amount, but WSJ and business magazines are about to fry my brain. I'm looking for non-fiction. Right now I'm thinking something on Lewis and Clarke or Edison. There is also a new big out about American inventors or something that might fit the bill as well...
  24. It's funny. When I was in Manitoba last month I was all excited to see them and everyone else was like "so what, big deal"
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