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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. an all time classic website
  2. uhhh....this is an internet message board. typing on ou keyboards doesn't involve a 6'7" 246 pound man running into the stands to go after someone who didn't throw a cup full of beer at them. "What does integrity mean?" - Ron Artest
  3. I tried to sum this up here
  4. please explain more. asap.
  5. how do you file "assault with a plastic cup"? Just curious. the fans that went on the court went to court, the guy who punched artest in the stands went to court.
  6. yeah, that's it BF. I though you said the union would make sure artest wouldn't even get 30 games....ha ha ha ha ha
  7. the fans that did stuff are going to court, don't you understand this?
  8. You mean if I was walking through the parking lot to my office and some punk kids threw a plastic cup of beer at me from 15 feet away? I might go after him, but I would know that my boss might fire me, and if I beat the guy up I'd probably go to jail. You don't get a free pass cause someone threw a cup of fuggin beer at you. And if I went over and started punching the wrong kid, just like stupid artest did, I think I might be in trouble.
  9. Actually Artest did say that, accoring to the DFW telegram, Nice Try and I know that Artest missed about 10 games last year due to suspensions, some of them for flagrant fouls. And I'm sure that since he started in the NBA there can't be more than 1 or 2 other players who have more flagrant fouls than he does, if there are any. Poor Ron.
  10. that is a great point, and does put it in perspective.
  11. yeah, everyone loves to see flagrant fouls.
  12. I keep hearing this argument, but it's not the same. When you are tailgating you don't have 20 cops that would take care of the person for you within 60 seconds. When you are at a bills game and something goes flying you have 20 yellow coats in your section within 2 minutes and the person gets thrown out. And if someone threw a plastic cup at a tailgate from 20 feet away, and you went up and indiscriminitely started fighting them, you are probably going to jail.
  13. keep talking BF, it will be even more fun when your pathetic team gets crushed in the playoffs again after you spent the season talking trash.
  14. i haven't seen the video, but the pics seem pretty cool.
  15. 1) saying a boy from the hood isn't racist imo, there was a f'ing moving called that. I use the term "my boy from boston" or whatever all the time. 2) If anyone thinks it's a black thing have a look at the baseball players over the past 3 years who have done the same thing.
  16. yeah, but it was still a suckerpunch. The guy was looking the other way and was being held by two people. good one jermaine.
  17. Weddings are very expensive....and where they are really ridiculous is Long Island / NYC / Northern NJ. I've never seen people spend so much money, they really have different expectations there compared to anywhere else I've been to weddings.
  18. thanks, I work quickly.
  19. they should arrest them both, just like they should arrest artest. but the guy who got blind sided didn't deserve someone coming out of the blue while he was down.
  20. Breaking News!!!
  21. BF: It seems you feel if someone dumps a beer on you, you have the full right to go after them to defend yourself. I ask because a number of us have been threatened by this vile act in the recent past, and I'm not sure if you had the same opinion at that point. So if I'm at a tailgate and someone dumps a beer on me, what are the rules?
  22. right, i've never been to a sporting event where security has thrown someone out for throwing something. oh wait, i saw it happen at the bills cardinals game. nevermind.
  23. BF - do you think tie domi was right to jump into the stands to fight a fan that threw a beer on him? just curious.
  24. I hear you. I mean have any of you ever had beer thrown on you. very dangerous.
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