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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. it probably wouldn't have taken you any longer to register than to post it up here asking someone else to login and paste if for you..... try bugmenot.com btw you lazy sack of
  2. You said Bush authorized death squads, I was simply stating that's not the case. I have a feeling that the people of Columbia would strongly disagree with you regarding Pablo. We may still be losing the drug war, but he was one of the worst criminals the world has seen in the past 25 years, and although the vaccuum was filled Columbia is a much better place without him.
  3. ARE YOU KIDDING ME JA? I really hope you meant to type 4, because you must be smoking some sort of crack. Unless of course you count 13 touchdown passes (4th in the league) as "not even in the top 40". You are probably counting straight receptions, where he didn't have a great season, largely because he missed 3 games completely with an injury, and in 2 more he basically didn't play at all either.
  4. it doesn't sound like they have authorized anything yet, just that they are debating it. reminds me of what happened in columbia with pablo escobar. The terror was so bad they had one choice, and started fighting with fire with fire. Hundreds of innocent people died, but they got pablo and it all stopped. no good solution now.
  5. Andre Reed across the middle for a TD, the bills are down by only 18 with a quarter left....
  6. i think he may have stepped out of bounds though....
  7. he actually batted .238 for the year, .215 in Boston (which makes sense since he wasn't playing very often)
  8. timmy wrote this: The guy was a nobody on the team (wrong) Most FANS would give that ball up (wrong, and you even said you wouldn't give back a famous ball yourself) he's lucky they signed him at all (true in the sense that he's lucky he got traded to a good team, he could start for many teams though) Barely a .200 average (wrong) and a backup fielder (yes, this year he was a defensive specialist...)
  9. BECAUSE THEIR FATHER MADE ONE OF BIGGEST OUTS IN BASEBALL HISTORY WITH IT YOU DUMB JACKASS. If it goes to the hall, it will be in a closet in a year and probably won't be seen until 25 years later.
  10. He's not going to sell it on eBay or pay for his son to go to FSU. He was JOKING around with a reporter about needing to send his son to college. It's an incredible piece of memorabilia that he was a part of, it is completely understandable that he would want to keep it in the family. Steve, you'd never even heard of the guy despite the fact that he's a pretty good first basemen, and now you are making all sorts of judgements about it because you read a one sided article where a quote was taken out of context.
  11. A few bits of the story: Until today, the red sox have never asked him about the ball, or for the ball, so it's not like he's being some enormous prick about the whole thing. He put the ball in a safe deposit box for safekeeping. He took the ball, in the same way that thousands of players have taken balls in "big" situations before. He has said he wants the ball to go on display in Boston / at fenway. He just wants to have ownership of it. He doesn't want he ball in Cooperstown because there is a ton of crap there already, and in 2 years it probably won't be on display.
  12. he ended the game with it, that's why. it's not a new concept, players have done exactly what he's done for many years.
  13. Mientkiewicz is saying that he was ambushed by shaughnessy as far as the quotes about wanting money for the ball. He says they were joking around, laughing about "everybody has a price" and the article comes out making it sound like he was holding out for $$$.
  14. not hundreds, but many dozens and I am sure that many of the players did take balls. As well as the umpires etc. When someone major throws a no hitter, the umpires ask that guy to sign about a dozen balls that were used that night. Then they go and sell them off. What's the pitcher go to do? tell the ump no?
  15. yes, your argument is weak. He didn't run over and pick up the ball, he caught it himself. Maybe the classy thing to do would be to give it up, but this is an unbelievable piece of sports history that he was a part of, and to think everyone would give it back is silly. If Marty Biron made the greatest save of all time with 1 second left that secured the sabres stanley cup victory, would you call him a prick for keeping the puck? If Moulds caught a td pass to win a superbowl in overtime and he kept the football, would you call him a prick for keeping the ball? are you bothered because he kept it, or because you think he's a bad player and he kept it or because it was a routine play and he kept it?
  16. kids are especially prone to admitting something they didnt' do. Like those child abuse cases 15 years ago where the kids after hours of interrogation said the day care workers dressed up like aliens and molested them etc. (amarault's in mass.)
  17. I've read online that it's not too big of a deal this days to get your hands on. Some websites even claim they will ship it to america but i find that hard to believe (it's probably the fake stuff without the wormwood or whatever). It's not sold all over europe though - spain and czech republic i think.
  18. was this bruce in 97 (?) when he did have the flu (cause he turned down the flu shot) or was it leonard smith a few years before who really had the clap??
  19. i have to think the only reason they hate him is because of phil simms not being in the hall. generally I like mike and the mad dog, it is good radio. idiots yes, but entertaining.
  20. there is also the argument that if they didn't outsource the call centers to India, the prices would be higher and the company wouldn't do as well and you would lose your job. Then you'd be saying "those damn idiots making all that money can't even keep us profitable". the average consumer buys on price, and that's the truth.
  21. Right or wrong, not a lot of people practice what they preach in that sense. I read an article about an accounting firm that did a lot of outsourcing (they outsource a ton of accounting these days). They told customers they could have their returns back in 9 days and they'd be done in the US, or 2 days from India. Something like 90% of the people chose the India way. I'm hiring people to do some projects right now and get a ton of responses from India. It's tempting but so far I'm staying here.
  22. exactly.
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