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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. what's up next, the "how long is your *$" poll?
  2. If I lived in Buffalo I'd buy a nice waterfront place in a second. There is always demand on water, and if you can create a critical mass of people in the housing, some of the other stuff might actually work...
  3. I got stung by a portugese man o war last summer. son of a b!tch that hurt!.
  4. caught it.
  5. the KKK will probably never clean the road. Most of those programs you pay someone to do it for you.
  6. 3 months ago here in NYC I watched a guy in a VW golf not a meathead in an Excursion SUV into his lane near the lincoln tunnel. Meathead gets out of his car, VW drives away. Meathead chases vw, gets out of car but vw drives away again. 3rd time vw can't get away and the meathead PUNCHES the guys windshield, smashes it. Cops come, I stop and tell them I saw the whole thing. worst part was the cops didn't want to press charges at all (the guy must have known somebody), so they convinced the VW guy to take $600 for the windshield on the spot from the guy and agree to drop it.
  7. maybe you saved someones life that night! the best part about that story is right now there is a cop telling the story of some "drunken idiot with a giant dick on the back of his car"
  8. nope, they have martin grammatica now. vandy has no worries, unless he decides to run it on a fake fg.
  9. I can see why he wants to be in television.
  10. If he does ask to go on kickoff coverage that wouldn't do much since the person he wants to hit won't be on the field....
  11. right, because that generally works out pretty well. People never get shot when they go along with the bad guys.
  12. Everytime I hear him talk I am surprised. He is supposed to be Satan, but when he speaks he comes across as very logical and pretty charismatic actually. The dems did a great job of painting him as a bad guy, and I honestly think if his name was smith he wouldn't have the reputation he does (though he's done plenty of bad stuff).
  13. The problem with your rational is that it really has nothing to do with whether or not satellite radio will be huge or not - it's about if the company is overvalued at it's current price. Most will agree that satellite radio will be around for many years to come. Unfortunately for you, a lot of people realized that a few years ago and bought the stock at a much lower price.....
  14. thats a terrible example. a better example would be that you didn't lock the gate to your pool and someone fell in.
  15. Do you have any idea how many players play when they have an injury exactly like Abrahams? this isn't a case of the doctors recommending he not play, but he goes out and does it anyway - he has been cleared. Every player could hurthemselves every play.
  16. Abraham was CLEARED TO PLAY by the doctors. Then, in a move that may never have happened before in NFL history, he downgraded HIMSELF twice in the week leading up to a playoff game!
  17. i can't believe i'm even writing about him, but vern troyer for some unknown reason has such a fricken attitude it is ridiculous.
  18. he's a PRO football player. He CAN play, he's one of the leaders of the team, they are in the playoffs and he is sitting out. sounds like a player I'd like to have on my team in the crunch.
  19. Ah yes, I promise I won't bring up any of those stories that Drudge writes. BECAUSE HE ALMOST NEVER WRITES STORIES. Have you ever been to the site? He puts up links. A few times per month he gets some sort of scoop, which is almost always provided to him ahead of time by the new source in order to generate buzz. a few times a year he'll break a supposed story, some of which go one to be proven wrong like the Kerry Intern story or whats his name beating his wife. reminds me of the time that blzrule pastes something that came from drudge, I point it out, she says it couldn't have come from drudge because he would never write anything like that and then she ignores my posts for a week while I pestered her about it. ha.
  20. Joe Buck needs to settle down. He works for fox for f's sake, and he goes off about how awful it was - maybe he should watch his own network to see real ass. WHO CARES. he's an idiot, get over it.
  21. a simulated mooning.
  22. and you said which is a joke. Seeing he missed about 30% of the season and still scored 13 touchdowns, so I'm pretty sure he would be considered in the top 40....
  23. the yankees didn't sign him because georgie is losing too much money these days.
  24. that decision was made after it hit #1 at the box office.
  25. whoever made the comment earlier about a non-controversial player (detmer) doing something much more suggestive (slapping that azz) and not getting called out for it made an interesting point.
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