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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. I don't remember that, Philly was the only place I remember having that.
  2. Czaban is awesome. His daily Czabe column on czabe.com is the first thing I check every morning. Haven't heard his radio show though.
  3. sort of funny that the word wonderlic was misspelled on the title of the post...
  4. from what I understand it's really hard to fly those things in the first place...
  5. that's good stuff. I once saw the Dead, Guns n Roses and Ice Tea in Buffalo within a few months of each other.
  6. when he slid head first in Buffalo?
  7. I think Moss was officially out for 5 games, and another game he played like 2 plays. And as tom said, he was gimpy for a bunch of others, and he still was in the top 3 for td catches.
  8. ugh, td pittsburgh. that turnover was HUGE.
  9. the last replay (from head on) was the only one that made it look like a fumble
  10. I was being sarcastic as I couldn't believe that someone puts their dog in timeout.
  11. some would argue that timeout just fosters children (and dogs evidently) that don't respect authority or follow rules.
  12. Ok, I don't mean to make light of your situation...but.... YOU PUT YOUR DOG IN TIMEOUT??!!! have you tried the shoe to the head method yet?
  13. this is almost definitely the problem.
  14. he was a 2nd string rb for the dolphins.
  15. "by placing tiny classified ads..."
  16. i personally wouldn't get started on the selling long distance thing. If you know anything about computers and the Internet, start doing some research into making money online. It may take you a while to learn the ropes but there is a lot of upside.
  17. I disagree. Eagles fans are by far the most annoying in the NFL. Steelers have great fans who are generally pretty classy, unlike eagles fans. I don't think steelers fans are any more bandwagon jumping than bills fans.
  18. Dude, don't you know anything - You can't feed your family with Heavyweight titles!
  19. I just got a PM from John Gruden - he wants to hear more about T Henry!!! It's working guys, keep it up!
  20. 8" Hoboken, NJ and they won't shut up about the Blizzard. The bad stuff is supposed to start in a few hours, but I'll believe it when I see it.
  21. someone should bring one of those to get autographed and see what he says....
  22. Petrino seems to be getting sharper by the day....
  23. The truth hurts A-Rod. It was a bush league play and it must be tough to swallow that he was part of what might be the biggest choke in sports history. schilling may be a media whore, but he's a media whore who was brought to town to win the big game, and he did it - unlike arod.
  24. and if you aren't still dating her you are a pathetic loser for putting a picture of your ex girlfriend as your avatar.
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