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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. nah, that's too good of a name for stevestojan. He'd buy if it were: "elimanningleadshisteamtoasixandtenrecord.com"
  2. it's gotta be tough to sell houses in that neighborhood at all. I mean, who has $50 a month to throw around??
  3. no way. with the onsides kick you have 2 chances: 1) get the kick 2) stop them and have long drive with the deep kick you only have one chance, and a first down loses the game.
  4. $14 per month!! "should I get a lapdance.....or a house?"
  5. HERE IT IS!!!! The good news is his payments are only $41 per month.
  6. he needs money. that's the point. You can even buy a day of hanging out with Jose for $1,000 or so. funny stuff.
  7. I didn't take them up on the offer....
  8. I wonder if I could use it for storage in the meantime? or Maybe put a deck on there and get some sun in the summer.
  9. do you think Marv should have cut thurman, andre and bruce when they were causing sh*tstorms in the media every other week?
  10. Just got a telemarketing call that I won a free burial plot at a cemetery about 20 miles from my house. Pretty funny stuff. Luckily I qualified for the prize (seriously, they pretend to have qualification requirements - other than "not dead" I guess).
  11. did you just use the word "tattletaling" ?
  12. arguing today that milloy should have accepted a pay cut is easy to do today, but look at it from his perspective: - the pats had just missed the playoffs, and nobody had any clue the pats would win 2 more superbowls - he signed a contract with them for the money, and they didn't want to pay it. - somebody else came along and said we will pay you the money. I'd like to know how many people on TSW woudn't do the same exact thing. and I'm still laughing at the poster who claimed he could have made the money up in endorsements...funny stuff.
  13. the old pancake bunny....is this it's first time on tsw?
  14. I was screaming for the eagles to grab the ball as well, but billsfanone is right, I think if you give yourself up they don't need to touch you to end the play.
  15. 1) He had a great season, you can't deny it. 31tds, 8 ints. 2) If 57.5 - 59% = "50-ish %", then I guess those numbers are also 65% ish?
  16. that's the thing though, he really didn't talk trash. He made one little comment that sort of came out of his mouth after they made him look dumb for not knowing the pats #'s....
  17. did you have a look at McNabb's stats for the season?
  18. I don't know where to start. 1) Lawyer left the pats after he already won a superbowl, so he had that going for him (as in, I've already won a superbowl). 2) He left the Pats after they had a pretty disapointing season and missed the playoffs. It's not like they were on the verge of a dynasty and he skipped town for the money. To most, it appeared like the Pats were on the downswing. 3) Although his comments were dumb and came off poorly, the fact is that they were asking him to take a pretty big pay cut. If you signed a $4 million CONTRACT with your current company and they instead offered you $2 million per year, and what looks like an up and coming company across town offered you $4 million per year for the next 3 years are you telling me you would stick with your current company? sure. 4) If you honestly think that Teddy Bruschi is going to make $2 million off the field in Boston in the next year you must be smoking crack. Dunkin Donuts and Chevy dealerships don't pay millions of dollars. 5) Lawyer Milloy CANNOT make up the difference in endorsements. This line of reasoning makes me laugh. "Hey lawyer, why don't you take a HUGE paycut and then if your team wins the next two superbowls you might be able to make some of the money back in endorsements"
  19. if the bills ever win a super bowl I sure as hell won't be on a pats message board talking about it an hour later...but hey, that's just me.
  20. somebody needs to cue up tivo and write out a play by play with the time it took to get each play off. I'm sure it will be in the paper tomorrow.
  21. ????? why would you want one of the best receivers in the league playing us twice per year?
  22. now that would be quite a sight....
  23. what about the girl???
  24. LABillzfan can probably answer this, and he'll probably tell you the same thing I will: In the grand scheme of things, X10 is junk. Sometimes it will work like a charm and maybe it will for you. Some people are stuck with their lights going on in the middle of the night when the refrigerator kicks in.... having said that, it isn't terribly expensive compared to the alternatives.
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