I don't know where to start.
1) Lawyer left the pats after he already won a superbowl, so he had that going for him (as in, I've already won a superbowl).
2) He left the Pats after they had a pretty disapointing season and missed the playoffs. It's not like they were on the verge of a dynasty and he skipped town for the money. To most, it appeared like the Pats were on the downswing.
3) Although his comments were dumb and came off poorly, the fact is that they were asking him to take a pretty big pay cut. If you signed a $4 million CONTRACT with your current company and they instead offered you $2 million per year, and what looks like an up and coming company across town offered you $4 million per year for the next 3 years are you telling me you would stick with your current company? sure.
4) If you honestly think that Teddy Bruschi is going to make $2 million off the field in Boston in the next year you must be smoking crack. Dunkin Donuts and Chevy dealerships don't pay millions of dollars.
5) Lawyer Milloy CANNOT make up the difference in endorsements. This line of reasoning makes me laugh. "Hey lawyer, why don't you take a HUGE paycut and then if your team wins the next two superbowls you might be able to make some of the money back in endorsements"