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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. I disagree. this is the definition of stupid, but how does it imply bad character? have you ever been to a concert? I've seen plenty of 200lb+ people stage diving, moshing etc.
  2. He was stage diving. Not having sex with 15 year old girls, stealing, drinking and driving, stealing etc. etc. etc. - stupid yes, bad character? no. Johnny - I lived on Babcock street, where did you live?
  3. God forbid you spend 15 seconds registering.
  4. I hope you said the same thing when the state put up a sh*tload for the ralph a few years ago....
  5. Cincy, are you joking? Anyone can go to Two Bills Drive any day of the week - it's not private . Archive.org just keeps copies of old public stuff. If you don't want stuff online in the future, don't post it online now.
  6. if that happens we will have two quarterbacks who talk like they are 15 year old girls.
  7. don't forget "the great ref bump of 99."
  8. actually, everytime I go to the movie somebody comes up the aisle asking for money for charity....which is exactly the same as asking for $2 for a scholarhip.....
  9. slombas, a fine bar .....if you were 16.....
  10. there is a great hotel called Mons Venus you can stay at.
  11. no banned bats? ugh. that's dumb and crazy! someone is going to die soon. I'm surprised it hasn't happened in high school or college yet. I would love to see Bonds take batting practice with a composite bat. He'd hit the ball 600 feet.
  12. how dare they try to pay for someones education!!!
  13. I hope I never come across a Dr. from Fredonia Med School! (yes I know there isn't one...thank god).
  14. I agree with Buzz, people get way caught up in expensive bats when teaching the proper swing for 20 minutes will do far more than any bat will ever do. Buy a decent bat, but don't spend $175 on an 11 year old. having said that, bat technology these days is pretty insanse, you can spend $300+ on a softball bat, and there is a cottage industry of guys who will take a banned softball bat and convert it so that it appears to be a legit bat.
  15. how tall is he? if he is 110 lbs, you are probably looking at a 20.5 ounce bat or so.
  16. If I may say so myself, I am sort of an expert in the baseball bat field.... are you looking for wood or aluminum? what level is he playing and what is the allowable ratio?
  17. Once again people, it's not like he left a well oiled pats machine to go to a sure fire loser. He left them after THEY MISSED THE PLAYOFFS, and went to a team that paid him twice as much. geeze, what an idiot.
  18. Problem Child with Jack Ritter. A great classic film.
  19. this is obviously a lot more common than we think. Lots of stories coming out lately about this type of stuff lately. I know a guy whose babysitter did this sort of stuff when he was 10, she was 18.
  20. not much at all, unfortunately. Thurman isn't worth much, hull's signature ruins the value of the helmet (which wouldn't be much anyway), willis isn't worth much (yet?). The bradshaw ball is probably worth the most.
  21. it's not because of nyc, though lots of people like to blame it on that. no jobs, no industry and no tax base.
  22. why didn't they bring in coy detmer? he is money in the bank.
  23. yeah, that world series ring might put too much weight on it...
  24. Of course it was important to the lawyers, they were getting paid $150 an hour to chase after dumb domain names that nobody would have bought anyway.
  25. they didn't even celebrate that night, did they?
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