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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. I just realized something.....Steve - guess who has the same job as you?????? LOL LOL LOL
  2. i was surprised it didn't gain more steam - if it was a dem the repubs would have gone nuts. Is it that hard to get into the white house press room? (are there really good reporters who can't get access?) I don't know the answers here....
  3. i wouldn't mind paying teachers 100k if they were good and the students did well. Unfortunately, you can't pay the good ones 100k and the bad ones 30k thanks to (drum roll please....) THE UNIONS. I was at a school in Houston last month and watched a teacher take an online quiz designed for 3rd graders. She had to pick a state from multiple choice options - the state was Michigan. Her first choice? Connecticut. Her second choice? South Carolina.....
  4. Does the Excalibur have a hostel attached to it? I think I stayed there one night in a dorm room full of whacked out dutch....very scary night.....
  5. you forgot to mention the part about the governor of california having killed and tortured thousands on a regular basis, and the foreign troops arriving to overthrow that person. Obviously there would be a huge outcry about innocent people being killed, but I don't think the residents of LA would rush to CUT THE HEADS off of the foreigners who are trying to fix the sewers. and I don't think the Catholics in Mexico would come across the border to blow themselves up and kill innocent californians who are trying to find jobs.
  6. the best is how the super dork with money suddenly was dating nfl cheerleaders....
  7. If I must Borat is good.
  8. I'm allowed to say have a great weekend before I actually leave for the weekend, aren't I? I checked the forum guidelines and couldn't find anything against that. Darin - you are correct, no laughing at internet jokes that are over 3 years old. It's in the rules.
  9. wouldn't this post be better suited to a blog?
  10. dude, you posted in the thread so I hope you read my initial post. It was a joke. The thread got deleted, but somehow this one sticks around...despite being a follow up thread to something that was funny 3 years ago, maybe more.
  11. in her defense, she actually said "at least mr. trump said I was beatiful". that's not as bad as your quote. John refused at first to put on the clown suit.
  12. 1) It is great, but it's 3 years old. Where have you all been? 2) If my fantasy soccer post got deleted, this must go as well!!!
  13. didn't she walk out of the hotel room and start crying to the first person she saw? That's a normal reaction, right? Or what about her blood on his shirt? Don't you think it's possible that she was ok with some things, but he pushed it too far and forced himself on her to do something she didn't want? With his hands around her neck? well, the evidence evidently said that OJ didn't do it either and I'm sure you run to his defense.
  14. the transcripts were very interesting to read, and after reading them I don't think Kobe was completely innocent.
  15. how many times do we have to dispell this?
  16. hand cream and tissues. they'll never go in there again....
  17. I was also annoyed.
  18. And if you call something a spoiler, don't just write: spoiler: and then write it. Not all of us read one word every 3 seconds....
  19. Great video of idiots in the snow I love how people jump out of moving cars....
  20. Buffalo needs a fast ferry. How the hell else will they compete with Rochester??
  21. ..."Only 16 games and I can go back to Montana"
  22. there is one key word in that sentence....
  23. ?????? are you joking? yeah, it is amazing how much information is being restricted on the Internet these days. I mean, you can barely find anything that isn't pro bush, or that the right wing censorship police haven't restricted.
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