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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. - I think they are allowed to tell people about the race - They are not allowed to steal / skip out on bills / cabs. If the cabbie says "ok" they can leave. I have a feeling the cameraman is also a quasi producer who makes decisions about things like that while it's happening. - I'm almost positive that if they hadn't made the flight and rob and amber were 3 hours ahead, they would have added in another task to do - no way would they let it end without drama.
  2. I hope next time I'm in town some of you guys don't take me out! Broadway Market? no way, just not exciting to out of towners. Fantasy Island? If I went to Japan and they took me to their version of Fantasy Island I'd be pissed! Naval Park? "This is what a world war II ship looks like, you probably haven't seen any of these back home....". please don't take that the wrong way. Toronto is 2 hours away MAX - definitely worth spending a day there.
  3. love the show. I'm a little suspicious of how things work sometimes....how often does a pilot decide to go back to the gate?? anyway, great finish and the right team won. I want to hate rob and amber, but they play the game well and have a great time doing it. both of the other couple sucked - the guy and the girl.
  4. When he goes as a member of the general public he'll definitely wear a doug flutie jersey. Because as we know from his appearance at a Boston College hockey game this year, HE WENT AS A SPECTATOR AND WORE HIS OWN JERSEY!!!!. seriously, you can't make this stuff up.
  5. The New England Puss-triots
  6. is that for real??? TL - is that the case? If so, that is the funniest thing I've ever heard.
  7. You guys ever been to the Derby? It's a great time, the whole city waits the entire year for derby week. I hit OTB in NYC this PM to place my TRI. Might be one of the most depressing places on earth.....
  8. No crap. He's not complaining about having to pay, in fact he's doing what a lot of other people simply don't bother to do. If he was complaining about having to pay I'd understand the hostility. He's not complaining about his kids. He's not complaining about his kid's moms - he's complaining about the screwups in county government. Disagree with him all you want, but it's not like he's teaching his kids how to download movies off the internet....
  9. but if you didn't head back would the boat have split in half??? that is a crazy story though.
  10. Welcome aboard. Did anyone tell you about the initiation?
  11. Does your wife ever say "son of a B word?". Can I call her a dumb B word without you or her getting worked up? Because it can't be all that hurtful, now can it? And as for the Hillary Clinton, she told a joke that had a punch line about ghandi running a gas station. It's a far cry from using a racial slur against Indians. I'm the last person to be PC about this stuff, but if you drop the N bomb to a reporter from ESPN, you are an idiot.
  12. I should sue you for wasting 10 seconds of my day.
  13. amen. at the same time, I will admit that bostonians do love putting other places down, and it stems from the fact that they have a new york complex.
  14. If this was anyone else other than a nice suburban white woman, I have a feeling they would make her pay for the search....
  15. is that sort of like all of the pre-election trash talk about Kerry winning? Or the guarantees of a kerry victory? (see: rlz, blz) we'll see what happens, but every time you idiots get excited things go downhill for you.....
  16. What does it matter what Bush does, we already know you are personally responsible for 99.9% of Americans disapproving of the President's Social Security plan....
  17. There is only one grocery store in WNY - SUPER DUPER.
  18. Where was hearsay reported as fact? In his post he called it hearsay. It's not exactly a new rumor....
  19. a little bit of glove oil, a lot of catch. My favorite is to take the glove to the batting cages and fire up some fastballs. This can be expensive, but you'd be amazed how fast a few 65mph balls will break in the pocket. If the high school has a machine this is perfect. a few key points: - with any type of oil, shaving cream etc, less is more. Don't over oil your glove. - don't buy any of the oven treatments. bad, bad, bad. - Although I don't like the bucket of water or (especially) putting your car on the glove, you'll find major leaguers who do it and it's sort of tough to argue with them...basically there is no right answer to this question.
  20. there will always be some backwards states. like alaska...
  21. a lot of people always want more. If you make $20k you say "man, if I only made $50k"....if you make $100k you say "man, if I only made $200k"....if you have $20 million you say, sh*t - I wish I had a golf course to play every day.....
  22. I just got something in the mail telling me to pay my geico insurance at smartyjoneswinsthetriplecrown.com - is this a scam?
  23. Roscoe may have a 10 on the wonderlic, but you spelled the word dummy wrong...
  24. Screw the grout saw that can be a pain to use and can slip out of the groove and ruin your tiles, go buy (or borrow) a dremmel with a grout removal attachment. I just did a regrout job and it was the best move I ever made.
  25. if there are any undergrads reading this board you can go ahead and declare yourself eligible next year, you probably don't even have to play football....
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