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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. the gas guy at NASCAR probably makes $60k, so it's not that much money per action compared to a punter. The wall st. journal had a thing about ex college football players being tire guys in NASCAR, and that's about what they make.
  2. it's a chain, there are lots of them.
  3. "I look different on TV"....classic!
  4. like someone said earlier: First thing out of your mouth afterward should be that the strippers were ugly and fat, and that there was a 300 pound guy with them making sure nobody touched...if you really want to tell a doozy tell her the bottoms never came off (ha ha ha....) uhm...well.....aah, nevermind.
  5. I'll call you on that one BRH. I bet a lot more soccer players get broken noses than baseball players by a mile. Maybe their faces don't get broken like Tony C, but then again you don't see a lot of broken legs in baseball....
  6. I agree they look like pansies, but I dare you to sit in front of a ball going 100mph without flinching.....
  7. spending money is a social cause. this is something very few people understand. the guy who made the fireworks is happy the guy who shipped the fireworks is happy the government makes their 8% and is happy the guy who sold the fireworks is happy the guy who sells insurance to the guy who sells fireworks is happy Pete gets to blow sh*t up and is happy what MORE could he do?
  8. they've been tipping maids as long as they've been tipping waiters, you've been a cheapskate for many years!! (though I'd bet only 50% of the people leave tips in a hotel - you don't have to face the person you stiff!)
  9. nothing like that, the work would be more marketing / "spreading the gospel" about a new website / service.....
  10. I'm working on a pretty cool business related to college students. Toward the end of the summer and into the first semester (and maybe beyond) I need to hire some college students to help out. If there are any students out there looking for some work / resume material send me a pm and we'll talk. (parents, feel free to tell your kids about this). Please include the name of your college in the pm. Thanks! ps - this is a non-union job
  11. Ok, here we go folks... 1) Spikes, I loved our last talk about unions so much I have you forever quoted in my sig line. And yes, the typo was yours as well. 2) The fact that you started off your post bragging about your new pool and vacation says a lot about you. There are some people on this board that could fit your new pool inside their second garage, but you sure as hell won't hear them talking about it on a football message board. 3) I dislike unions based on personal experiences. All union workers are not bad by any stretch, but there are stereotypes for a reason, and I have experienced or witnessed many of these...teachers unions, teamsters etc......
  12. the best part about rte 15 is that it takes you right by Bucknell University, home of the mighty Bison who you may remember from such episodes as "Bucknell beats Kansas, 2005 NCAA Tourney".....
  13. Don't forget about the way he dragged his putter across the green yesterday and tore it up...Johnny Miller called him out a bit but they would have screamed bloody murder if it was Vijay. Also read a story about how Tiger pulled a Barry Bonds and was the only one or two who skipped the Payne Stewart memorial service in 2000...and how he won't be interviewed by people who don't ask the right questions....
  14. My avatar is Borat from The Ali G Show (HBO)....one of the funniest television shows I've ever seen in my life....
  15. the bad guy won, with a total war chest of $960,000 !!!!! He spent $200 per vote. and election night one of his thugs broke the jaw of one of his opponents campaign workers....ah new jersey!
  16. Just curious, how many of you bitched and moaned when the state was putting in over $100 million for upgrades to the Ralph?
  17. in my country we have problem...and that problem is transport.....
  18. No real point here, but this has been an amusing election to watch: The fine town of Hoboken, NJ is 1 square mile in size, with about 40,000 residents. - The current mayoral race features the incumbent who has raised well over $500,000 (!!!!) vs the challenger with about $150k. The mayor is getting his $$ largely from developers who are trying to tear down old buildings to throw up new condos and sell them for $400k + for a 1BR. - The current mayor spends $140k per year on a car and driver (the town is 1 square mile!!!!) - The budget has gone from $50 million to over $80 million in the past 4 years - no tax increases but this is just because revenues are rolling in because of all the new condos. They've also had a budget shortfall every single year and have had to fill budget gaps by selling off city parking garages etc. - The last mayor of Hoboken is now in jail for accepting $300k + in bribes over his term. - There are some housing projects in the back of town, and it is a well known fact that they "hire" these residents to be "election helpers" for $50....basically buying votes for $50 each. it never ceases to amaze me.
  19. My job is awesome. I'm the general manager for a pro football team in Western New York. I spend my days killing kittens, drinking babies blood and pretending I have a plan for Travis Henry.
  20. Arizona was chock full of hotties - I couldn't believe it. only 1 or 2 big girls.
  21. Talk about a class act....
  22. wouldn't it be awesome if we had to scroll through 1/2 page of jp losman photos just to read the next post.....
  23. Yeah, like 5 years ago when they gave how much state money for the Ralph??? I'm sure you were up in arms about that. $300 million for that stadium makes more sense financially than the $ they gave the ralph....(though neither really "make sense")
  24. Which do you want more, a cheap mortgage or a guy who speaks english? Unfortunately for the most part we can't have both.
  25. your job is to judge without the walking?
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