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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. Kong was better on the big screen - absolutely amazing special effects. movie itself was so so.
  2. there is nothing better than going to an 11am red sox game, with pre-gaming starting at the local bars at 8am...
  3. spitzer's campaign manager is from buffalo as well.
  4. yeah, but syracuse isn't in the class of hopkins of princeton.
  5. i don't think the line is a major copout, it's the truth. Now it may be because kids are lazy and their parents don't make them get jobs, but it is generally the truth. I live in NYC and i'm not sure the last time I saw a white (or black) busyboy or delivery person. They simply don't exist. Last summer I was in a dunkin donuts on 8th ave and these 2 very attractive european girls - looked to be 19 or so, were applying for jobs. They obviously had no clue that 5'10 blonde girls in new york generally don't work at dunkin donuts for $7 an hour...
  6. wow, gotta give the guy props for showing up and responding logically and politely.
  7. DC has a waiting list of 100,000 people. I'm pretty sure they don't have trouble selling tickets... With the new stadium, new england will have no problem selling tickets even when the team is 1-15.
  8. Navy - Kraft put up $350 million of his own money to build a stadium. I don't like a lot of the things these guys are doing, but I don't fault them for trying to make money.
  9. when peerless went to atlanta, they put together a whole video of his highlights, and when he walked into the dome they played the video on the big screen to the ludicrous song "welcome to atlanta".
  10. Ok, so you'll take the 9 train to 34th street and get off there. Walk 9 blocks north to the port authority, and get on the 127 bus to Secaucus. Transfer in Secaucus to the local, and get off the local at East Rutherford. We'll have Tony from the equipment room pick you up in the team minivan there, Mr. Moulds.
  11. Go tell that to Robert Kraft who put in 350 million of his own money. Stop bringing up these facts, he's trying to bash republicans!
  12. my theory: Bunch of drunk, cocky, beligerant lacrosse players get some strippers. Act like jerks during the show, call the girls ugly, probably say some racial things and perhaps get a little too touchy and the girls leave and want to get back at them... we'll see how it plays out. you may remember 2 years ago 6 or so black guys from the st. johns basketball team were accused of rape by some white lady they met at a club. Thank God one of the kids had a video camera phone, because he was smart enough to tape the lady negotiating to go to the hotel and f them all for $200 or so.
  13. be careful with this one. What happens if you lose money? (if you pick a product that doesn't sell very well, or if your product gets submarined.... - you choose 256mb memory sticks and next week somebody shows up with 512 at the same price. Like someone else said, it's also a pain in the neck - addresses, labels, shipping, returns etc. More than anything else, I'd find a power seller to actually ask....
  14. BiB has several in his garage. He feeds them cats.
  15. eight round decision against a nobody who is 14-4.
  16. there are already questions about the story of the girls involved. A lot more to come i believe.
  17. if you guys are happy ralph voted no, I'd love to see how happy you'd be in 5 years if 8 others voted no as well...
  18. i have a feeling Bob Kraft works harder to make money from his $300 million investment than Ralph does for the $90 million the state put into the ralph 8 years ago...
  19. They are always out trying to give away free tickets on the street at night - just like in the morning they are giving tickets to see Maury...
  20. none of you stand a chance when you run into the mighty Bison. Go Bucknell!
  21. how would KC possibly have enough hotel rooms? If Jacksonville didn't have enough hotel rooms (not even close) how would KC pull it off? I know it's 9 years off, but still...
  22. Wow, not bad - did you edit your post?!
  23. well, there are a lot of people on this thread that I like, but unfortunately one bad apple really spoiled the lot....
  24. i didn't watch the video clip, but i've seen a few things and I don't mind him that much based on what i've seen. Sort of an idiot, but he doesn't talk about how great he is, didn't come into the games talking about how he was going to win 5 medals, and he doesn't seem to complain or anything. The guy is like a rockstar in europe, and although he didn't turn down the magazine covers or interviews, he didn't seem like too much of a jerk imo.
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