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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. Meazza, I'm sure you've seen this... Secret Italian Training Video seriously though, it happens at all levels - they must teach the italians how to dive at a very young age. From the Italian kid on my high school team diving left and right to the italian guys I play indoor against 15 years later, you see a team diving left and right and chances are they're italian.
  2. Promo - You are smoking crack, and you have absolutely no clue. I don't know where to start poking holes in your theory. Cuban is a very smart guy who made A LOT of money in the computer business before he made A TON of money with broadcast.com That's interesting, cause I had DSL in my apartment in 1998. That means nothing, and it happens all the time. They rolled up the assets into Yahoo itself. Have a look at Yahoo sports and all of the streaming they do - I'm sure none of that has any relation to the original broadcast.com, right? And by Lucky you mean starting a company when he was 22, selling it when he was 32 for $2 million profit, and then starting up broadcast.com, growing it to 300 + employees, taking it public and selling it to Yahoo? sounds like luck to me
  3. what about yelling "monkey" hoping for a face card?
  4. Do you say the same thing about the NHL?? Because the ESPN2 world cup ratings at 2pm on a summer saturday will be higher than the NBC Stanley Cup primetime ratings... just saying.
  5. happens all day every day - i don't think getting in touch with vick would be very easy.
  6. neither would work, but basketball would do better imo. Less games... In hindsight, one of the best things to happen to buffalo was losing out to the rockies for the baseball team. If we had gotten them we wouldn't have lasted 10 years and Buffalo would look even worse in the national eye.
  7. after the first goal you could obviously hear the sabres fans chanting, and the guy on OLN said "what you are hearing is lets go canes"....about 2 minutes later the noise continued and the other guy said "there are some sabres fans here tonight..."
  8. where did you hear that story? just curious. the memorabilia business is full of scum...way too easy to fake an autograph.....
  9. the story I heard through the grapevine was that leonard smith had the clap (no joke). don't forget about bruce getting the flu after not getting his flu shot for the jacksonville playoff game
  10. buy options at ticketreserve.com
  11. what was the supposed controversy?
  12. i think the blaine thing is pretty impressive unlike some of his other feats. Sitting in a small box for a week isn't nearly as tough as floating underwater for 7 full days - that has to be nuts. As far as holding his breath, pretty impressive to me.
  13. WHAT HAPPENED! NHL radio shut off and no scores have updated....
  14. what happened - please it sounds good.
  15. the scary thing is, a lot of people probably look at this as a legitimate way to save money.
  16. thing is, I could put it on craigslist new delhi and get it done for 1/3 the price and twice as fast. $10 an hour doesn't bother me so I'll pay a college kid here to do it. (now if HE was smart he'd outsource it and sit on his *ss all summer...lol)
  17. Scaling isn't that big of a problem for my stuff. My best sites were built 5 years ago and now only need a few hours per month tops. I have 200 + domains awaiting development which will be done by a college kid this summer - who will have a non-compete
  18. LA - you should never write that much about your life without somehow sneaking in "and then I'm over at fabio's house" I started something during the good old days of the internet. raised $ from investors, struggled but survived during the .com bust and sold the company in 2004. net / net i probably lost money over the course of 5 years in that my salary for 4 of the years would have been higher in the "real world". can't beat the experience though. today i have a real job but run about 10 different web sites on the side - i have an LLC that i set up for all of them. Some of the sites do pretty well and my goal would be within a few years to be making enough from them to be able to do that full time (the real issue is convincing the wife that this is stable). the best part about web sites is that you have no inventory, no anything - if you are creative and work hard you can make some money on autopilot. Every night i get home from work and see how much money I made while I was at work. As I make more I'm plowing it back in, hiring people to do technical work and building more sites. I figure that if I can make $x from 1 site, I could make $20x from 20 sites and so on. if you are entrepreneurial and halfway computer literate i really recommend looking into it. I've tried, but haven' t been able to convince anyone to jump in the game.....let me know if you are interested.
  19. I doubt marv is sending late night emails to the webmaster telling him to put up ngata!
  20. i'm pretty sure that was made in the 80's, thank god for the internet.
  21. don't worry, espn news has highlights. They have the first 4 goals, the big hit, but they didn't bother to show the winning goal...
  22. OJ, for example.
  23. didn't BF do that once?
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